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  • Welcome to your Basic Single Page Application Repository. Use this to start your own Greenfield Project using ReactJS and common industry standards.

  • This repository assumes a handful of industry practices and standards. We strive to keep you on the bleeding edge of the industry and as a result, we have made some opinions for you so that you don't have to; you're welcome.

  • The following was built using Create React App for base boiler-plating. We will maintain the dependencies as according to their specifications as an Engineering Organization.



Getting Started

Environment variables

  • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID Okta client id
  • REACT_APP_OKTA_ISSUER_URI Okta api authorization server issuer uri (eg.
  • REACT_APP_API_URI The URL (localhost or live) for the Backend that you're building

Setup Steps

  • Fork and clone the repo to install it as your own remote.
  • run: npm install to download all dependencies.
  • run: npm start to start your local development server.

When using Okta for authentication, the app will need to run locally on port 3000.

Errors on Deploy

  • Are you seeing an error on npm start that looks something like this? npm start fail

  • Head over to the package.json file and please modify your scripts in order to allocate more memory for the 'craco' package. More information on 'craco' and why we use it can be found here.

"start": "craco --max_old_space_size=4096 start",
"build": "craco --max_old_space_size=4096 build",

Deploying Your App

  • Your front end is to be deployed using AWS amplify. You can find a step-by-step deployment guide here.
  • Your engineering manager will ensure that you have the credentials you need to get your app deployed.


  • We feel that you shouldn't have to spend time as a developer worrying about where your files should go and your architectural decisions that you'd have to make if you started from scratch.
  • Following the patterns we've laid out for your and the definitions of 'components' will help you focus on getting work done, rather than spending time deliberating on 'how' your work will get done.
  • Please see the following documentation on how to work with and structure your components in this app.

Styling Your App

  • In order to provide an experience for you to dive right into a code base and have everything you need to successfully style and craft your UI Components we'd like for you to gain some practice using the ANT Design Library.

  • Instructions on how to use components can be found in the notes portion in the project storybook.

  • It is recommended that you use the AntD components as your common components.

Theme-ing your app

  • Even though you're using Ant Design and the global stylesheet that comes with it, you can control the theme of your application by changing things like font-family, sizes, border-radius', primary/accent colors etc.

  • To do this, simply go to the theme-overrides.js file and use the following properties to override the styles

  • You will need to restart your app completely restart your dev server when making changes to this JS file

Testing your App.


  • As this repository is a Work In Progress (WIP) we'd love to hear more about what is working for you and what could be improved. Please use the Issues tab in Github to submit and file any issues that come up during your development cycle. Issues should be related to things like, documentation, bugs that come up with the existing flow, architectural discussion, suggestions for improvements, and anything that you find cumbersome about getting started and working through a product cycle using these tools.
  • Please use Labels when filing issues try and include screenshots of bugs and steps to reproduce.