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Test Coverage

Backend deployed to Heroku

Getting started

Running the server locally:

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. npm install or yarn install to install all required dependencies

  3. Create a PostgreSQL database locally or one on Heroku.

  4. Create .env file with environment variables.

    DEV_DATABASE_URL=<address of your PostgreSQL database for development>
    TEST_DATABASE_URL=<address of your PostgreSQL database to run tests against>
    JWT_SECRET=<sequence of characters used to sign web tokens>
  5. Run knex migrate:latest to create the database tables

  6. Run seed:run to seed data into the database.


  • npm start to start the server with node.

  • npm run dev to start the local server using nodemon.

  • npm test to start server using testing environment.

  • npm run coverage to get test coverage.

  • npm run lint to run linter and return linting errors.

  • npm run lint:fix to run linter and fix linting errors.

  • npm run format to format code with prettier


See Frontend Documentation for details on the frontend of our project.

See iOS Documentation for details on the iOS implementation of our project.

Please read through the Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines before contributing to this repo.