A text based rpg game inspired by the original DOS game Zork.
The Dungeon was created by my desire to make a text-based adventure style game in python, as I have the most experience with the language compared to others I've used.
This game is heavily W.I.P. and as such everything is subject to change (and subject to being broken).
PR's are welcome, but will not be accepted unless:
1: They do not dramatically modify the core gameplay.
2: They do not contain excessive features.
3: They are properly and cleanly written, and do not throw any errors.
4: They are fully tested.
Even this list is subject to change. :3
To run the game:
1: Make sure the latest version of python 3 is installed.
2: Clone/Download the repository.
3: Execute 'main.py' in your python console or command prompt/terminal.
4: Enjoy!