BlueBubbles App v1.1.2
What's New?
This is an emergency patch for fresh installs of the v1.1.1 server. If you performed a fresh install of v1.1.1, there was a bug that prohibited you from proceeding during setup due to a DB initialization issue. If you upgraded/overwrote your server, this does not apply to you.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes issue initialization the database for fresh installs
If you were one of the unlucky ones to perform a fresh install of v1.1.1, please follow these instructions to fix the installation:
- Open Finder
- On your keyboard, hit
- This should bring up a text field to enter a path
- Copy and paste the following path and hit enter:
~/Library/Application\ Support/
- Find the directory named
and delete it - Download and extract this version (v1.1.2) and install it as normal
We apologize to anyone who ran into the v1.1.1 issue!