Lead: @Blumi102 (Michelle Blumenstein)
Steps to create the node projects which we'll use as template:
- git init
- npm init -y (main: app.ts)
- npm install -D typescript
- npm install -D ts-node
- npm install -D @types/node
- npm install -S express
- npm install -D @types/express
- mkdir src
- touch src/app.ts
- tsc --init
- tsconfig.json add: "exclude": ["node_modules", "./build"]
- npm install -D nodemon
- npm install -D eslint
- ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
- (TODO: give configuration)
- add rule "no-console": false
- touch .eslintignore
- auto-format (Visual Studio Code specific)
- donlowad eslint extension
- check that it is enabled in the bottom right corner
- mkdir .vscode
- touch .vscode/settings.json
- modi
- add script "start": "tsc && node app.ts"