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NCP Protocol

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162 lines (112 loc) · 6.24 KB

Blynk.NCP protocol specification

Version: 20230402
Author:  Volodymyr Shymanskyy
Status:  draft

Message format

  • little-endian byte order is used
  • each message starts with a magic number that defines an operation type
  • messages with an unknown opcode should be ignored
  • operations are symmetrical, i.e. they can be issued (and should be handled) by both MCU and the NCP
  • such operation types are defined currently: INVOKE, RESULT, ONEWAY


Invoke a remote procedure.

  • uint16_t Opcode = 0x67BC
  • uint16_t RpcUID: unique identifier of a function to call
  • uint16_t MsgID: unique identifier of a request
  • <buffer> Args: function-specific arguments


Return status and results of a remote procedure call.

  • uint16_t Opcode = 0xA512
  • uint16_t MsgID: unique identifier of a request (should match MsgID in the associated INVOKE)
  • uint8_t Status: the status of the invocation
  • <buffer> Rets: function-specific return values

Status codes: 0x00 - Success, 0x10 - Generic error, 0x11 - Timeout, 0x12 - Not enough memory, 0x13 - Unknown RpcUID, 0x14 - Args data missmatch, 0x15 - Results encoding failed


Same as INVOKE, but the corresponding RESULT message is not sent or expected to be received.

  • uint16_t Opcode = 0x1CF3
  • uint16_t RpcUID: unique identifier of a function to call
  • <buffer> Args: function-specific arguments

UART transport layer

The initial serial port configuraton is 38400 8N1 (or 115200 in some variants), flow control: none.

 ┌───────────────┐        ┌──────────────────┐
 │            RX │<───────│ TX               │
 │   MCU      TX │───────>│ RX   Blynk.NCP   │
 │           GND │────────│ GND              │
 └───────────────┘        └──────────────────┘

A symmetrical framing protocol is used to transfer binary messages over UART. The purpose of framing is:

  • Transmitting datagrams of a known size over a serial line
  • Enable using Software Flow Control while the binary data is transferred
  • Help skipping the non-meaningful data (such as serial line garbage or the MCU boot messages)
  • Re-synchronizing after failures such as data corruption

In-band signaling

A variation of the SLIP protocol is used. Serial data is split into packets. Each packet starts with BEG(0xAA) and ends with END(0xBB) byte. To allow using Software Flow Control, the XON(0x11) and XOFF(0x13) are treated as reserved bytes (not used for the data transmission).

Payload data escaping

Because the payload is binary and may include any 8-bit symbols, the ESC(0xCC) marker is used for escaping. The transmitter MUST transform 0x11, 0x13, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC bytes in the payload to ESC x^0xFF form, i.e.:

  XON  => ESC 0xEE
  XOFF => ESC 0xEC
  BEG  => ESC 0x55
  END  => ESC 0x44
  ESC  => ESC 0x33

The receiving end MUST restore (unescape) such sequences to get the original payload.

Frame structure

BEG <escaped payload> <escaped CRC> END
  • CRC is a standard CRC-8-CCITT checksum of the raw/unescaped payload data
  • any data after END and before BEG should be discarded
  • receiver should be ready to receive at least 1536 bytes of raw (unescaped) data
  • sender should not send more than 1536 bytes of raw (unescaped) data, unless a bigger buffer is negotiated between the endpoints

Blynk.NCP interfaces

  • The available interfaces along with their methods are described in the IDL file
  • Blynk.NCP hosts such interfaces: system, uart, blynk
  • NCP client hosts such interfaces: system, client
  • The corresponding RpcUIDs are defined in BlynkRPC.h

NCP Initialization

Ping the device

<< aa   bc 67   01 01  02 00  70   bb
   |    |       |      |      |    |
   BEG  invoke  func   msgId  CRC  END

>> aa   12 a5   02 00  00     91   bb
   |    |       |      |      |    |
   BEG  result  msgId  status CRC  END

Configure the product

Set TemplateID = TMPL0vFkFmJM7 and TemplateName = QPower

<< aa bc 67 01 03 06 00 54 4d 50 4c 30 76 46 6b 46 6d 4a 4d 37 00 51 50 6f 77 65 72 00 68 bb
>> aa 12 a5 06 00 00 01 a1 bb

The Blynk.NCP should start.

NCP Reinitialization

When NCP starts, it enters the NOT_INITIALIZED state and won't connect to the Cloud until it gets the initialization command from the MCU.
NCP always starts with the initial baud rate, so Main MCU needs to try both initial and configured baud rate (to cover the case of MCU crash/reboot when NCP keeps running).

In some cases, Main MCU needs to restart the NCP initialization process:

  • NCP upgrades it's own firmware Over the Air and gracefully reboots
  • NCP reboots due to a crash (without any notification to the MCU)
  • NCP locks up

There are several ways MCU can detect these cases.

Graceful reboot indication

Before NCP is rebooting, it sends RPC_EVENT_NCP_REBOOTING event to the Main MCU via rpc_client_processEvent().

Periodic heartbeat

Main MCU should invoke a command to NCP every 15 seconds.
If it timeouts 3 times in a row, MCU should try to restore the communication, by taking these steps:

  1. If NCP was configured to baud rate other than the default, Main MCU can try reverting to the default one and restart the initialization sequence
  2. If it fails, Main MCU should physically reset the ESP32 module (if possible on the hardware level), then start the initialization sequence

If there are no commands from Main MCU for 25 seconds, NPC will send a ping command to MCU.

  • It will retry 5 times with the interval of 5 seconds
  • If no reply, NCP will reboot/return into the NOT_INITIALIZED state
  • The device will be Offline in the Blynk Cloud/App

State check

If MCU always communicates with NCP on the initial/default baud rate, this may be useful: When rpc_blynk_getState() returns BLYNK_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED, MCU should initialize the NCP.
It can also be combined with the periodic heartbeat.