Lex / Yacc + Python Project which translate XML to JSON, draws objects on screen using Turtle package, and contains a basic script-like behavior, which can create variables, make sums, can use if-statements, and print variables.
- Lex / Yacc
- Python 3 + Turtle Package
- install Xming: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/
- run XLaunch with default config (Next=>Next=>Next=>Finish)
- run this command in bash terminal
export DISPLAY:=0
make all
(handles lex, yacc, and creates exe.)
JSON Output can be seen in translator_output.txt
Available input files:
- Object with value:
<objectName> value </objectName>
- Object with subobjects:
<objectName subobjectName1="value" subobjectName2="value" ...> </objectName>
- Variable declaration:
- If statement:
<if variableName="variableValue">
<otherTag1> ... </otherTag1>
<otherTag2> ... </otherTag2>
if variableName
has the value equal with variableValue
then the otherTags
will be executed
- Print function:
<variable> <a> 10 </a> </variable>
<print> a </print>
- Sum function:
<variable> <a> 10 </a> </variable>
<variable> <b> 11 </b> </variable>
<variable> <c> 12 </c> </variable>
creates a new variable d, and stores the sum of the variables a, b, c