A barebones implementation of mobilpay's credit card ordering interface in Racket.
raco pkg install mobilpay
Download the public certificate and your private key from the Mobilpay dashboard and then convert the certificate into a public key:
openssl x501 -noout -pubkey -in certificate.cer > certificate.pub
Ensure you have libcrypto
in your crypto-factories
(require crypto
(crypto-factories (list libcrypto-factory))
Create a client instance:
(define mobilpay
(make-mobilpay #:signature "example"
#:pubk-path "/path/to/certificate.pub"
#:privk-path "/path/to/private.key"))
Create an xexpr?
representing an order:
(define order
(make-order mobilpay
#:order-id "unique-id"
#:currency 'RON
#:amount 1090 ;; in cents (i.e. this represents "10.90 RON")
#:description "Payment for widgets"
#:confirmation-url "https://example.com/confirmation"
#:return-url "https://example.com/return"))
Encrypt it:
(define-values (encrypted-order-data encrypted-shared-key)
(order->data mobilpay order))
Send the order to mobilpay:
<form action="(mobilpay-endpoint 'sandbox)" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="data" value="encrypted-data">
<input type="hidden" name="env_key" value="encrypted-shared-key">
<button type="submit">Pay now</button>
Mobilpay will send you payment notifications to the
. You can decrypt and turn those into xexpr?
values using data->order
(require xml/se-path)
(define (confirmation-page req)
(define bindings (request-bindings req))
(define encrypted-order-data (binding:form-value (bindings-assq #"data" bindings)))
(define encrypted-shared-key (binding:form-value (bindings-assq #"env_key" bindings)))
(define order+mobilpay-data
(data->order mobilpay encrypted-order-data encrypted-shared-key))
(displayln (se-path* '(mobilpay action) order+mobilpay-data))
(displayln (se-path* '(mobilpay error) order+mobilpay-data)))
You will get multiple payment notifications per payment, each representing an action that was taken.