Desktop application that provides opportunities to work out trading strategies and analyze the situation on the cryptocurrency market in "online" mode using a demo account. All market data on available cryptocurrencies is received using the Poloniex API (Public Endpoints).
The platform provides:
- 3 time frames for building chart (15 min / 30 min / 2 hours);
- 2 languages to switch (English, Ukrainian);
- 10 cryptocurrencies (BTC, XRP, ETH, DASH, DOGE, LTC, BNB, SOL, UNI, TRX).
- 40 thousands dollars on a Demo Account.
- Versions of Windows 7, 10, 11;
- Architecture ×32, ×64;
- Responsive interface with resolution 1366 × 768 up to 2560 × 1600.
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable.
Create an unlimited number of demo accounts!
- Scale your Candlestick chart!
- Freely move the graph!
- Buy as many coins as you need!
- Sell coins as much as you have!
- Wait for internet connection with animation!
- Change localization in second!
- Your portfolio when it's empty:
- Your complete portfolio:
Your portfolio is a pie chart!
- Do you have a new idea for a crypto exchange?
- Do you know what is missing from the project description?
- Are you a novice tester and want to test your first great app?
- Would you like to gain team development experience?
In this case, you should:
- give this project a star! (strongest support for promotion!)
- create an issue or new discussion for further communication!
- The ini file already exists but will contain more settings in the future.
- The file will save sound, candle colors, and theme settings.
- Currently, only the selected language is saved.
- To edit this file it is important to create a simple editor (a new project).
- To get a request string of a specific price of a crypto pair, you can use the method:
QString ApiAddressBuilder::getPriceCryptoPair(QString pair)
return base_api + pair + QString("/markPrice");
- Next, you will send the request and receive a response in QJsonDocument format:
QJsonDocument ApiService::MakeRequest(QString requestStr)
ApiService& service = getInstance();
QNetworkRequest request((QUrl(requestStr)));
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json");
QNetworkReply *reply = service.accessManager->get(request);
QEventLoop eventLoop;
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &eventLoop, &QEventLoop::quit);
QByteArray response_data = reply->readAll();
return QJsonDocument::fromJson(response_data);
- After all, you get the following answer, which you can use and display in the price Label:
"symbol" : "BTC_USDT",
"markPrice" : "27066.07",
"time" : "1684654973165"
The OpenSSL library has been included to make and send API requests, various dlls have been added to the pro file:
INCLUDEPATH += ../dlls/openssl_x32
INCLUDEPATH += ../dlls/openssl_x64
How its looks like:
├── dlls
| ├── openssl_x32
| ├── libcrypto-1_1.dll
| ├── libeay32.dll
| ├── libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
| └── libssl-1_1.dll
| ├── openssl_x64
| ├── libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
| ├── libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
| └── libssl-1_1-x64.dll
- OpenSSL -
- Poloniex API -
- Redistributable packages -