Welcome to Doggster! We are excited to be guiding you and your best friend in forming a special bond nurtured with love and respect. Every pooch is a part of our evergrowing family, and we always give 100% commitment to their training and exercise. Our primary focus is to understand your dog before we start with any training, and we believe every dog can learn to behave in the right way and listen to their owners.
- Business intro
- UX
- Project Goals
- Use cases
- Research & Design Phase
- UX Documents
- Features
- Technologies Used & Resources
- Issues I couldn't overcome
- Acknowledgements
The perfect client for this business is a person who owns a dog, and it's looking for the training services. The age & size of the dog is not essential, which allows a broader scope of potential clients. Copy on the website is friendly focused, which could indicate to clients that their dog will have fun and be in a safe environment while training.
For new clients, the goal is to contact us to find out more about available training and about us as a business.
For existing clients, the goal is to make booking the training sessions as seamless as possible.
- Puppy owners: People who are looking to start training their pups from the early stages of their life.
- Adult dog owners: People who have any sort of problem/difficulties with their dogs(aggression, behaviour issues, etc.), or are just looking for advanced training.
- People who are looking for a daycare to leave their dog while they're in work.
- People that wish to teach their dog a little bit extra(tricks, listening to orders etc.)
I have carried out a competitor analysis to get an understanding of what other businesses are doing. Purpose of the research was to discover more about what type of services are offered and about the terminology used in the dog training business.
For inspiration & business information, I've used three different websites
Colour scheme & Fonts
Colours are selected based on their symbolism and suitability for the dog training business. Each colour impacts overall user impression and changes their way of feeling about the website.
Fonts are paired nicely. All the titles are in Grandtsader & body text is in Lato font.
The website consist of seven pages:
- Homepage
- About Us
- Contact Us
- Puppy Private Sessions
- Puppy Day School
- Adult Agility Traning
- Adult Day School
- Testing
- Issues I couldn't overcome
- Acknowledgments
Navigation consists of logo links to all the pages and "Book A Slot" CTA. On small screens, social icons are listed in the menu.
Newsletter sections give us the ability to capture email addresses and grow the email marketing list. We can utilize on promotions and sales offers we are sending to opted clients.
Easily accessible support information and service links.
The idea behind "Learn More" CTA is to prompt potential new clients to explore more about who we are and what the business is about and not showcase services & price side of things. The second section of the page explains a little bit about the service offering and has a CTA "Contact Us" for the purpose of client reaching out to us and learning more about the business and possibly booking in a training session.
The rest of the page is content-oriented without any actions user can take - interesting facts are focused on dog lovers who enjoy reading exciting facts about dogs. Why Choose Us sections offer more insight into our qualities and differences from the competitors - Flip boxes are used for a clean look and to save up space on the page. On mobile devices, boxes are flipped automatically to prevent bad user experience.
About Us
This page is content focused. Parallax Scrolling Effect gives a nice feel to story telling. User can find out more about business values and each team member. Each trainer has a brief description about them & their special skills; also their certifications are linked to supported articles which are explaining the meaning of each certificate.
The testimonials section is focused on showcasing business credibility and level of expertise.
Service Pages
The layout is consistent across all service pages. Each page contains detailed information about each training sessions and also shows different training packages. Repetative "Book A Slot" CTA's in Nav and Pricing section of the page sets emphasis on user to take action and books a training session.
Contact Us
Contact us page offers various ways of contacting our support team. User can fill in the contact form, call or Email Us. Google map is helping the user to easily locate where we're based.
GitPod - All code is written in gitpod cloud environment, committed and pushed to GitHub
Git - Distributed Version Control tool to store versions of files and track changes.
GitHub - A cloud-based hosting.
- Canva & Flat icon was used for image sourcing.
- Adobe XD - used for wireframing
- Lucidchart - used for sitemap
- Bootstrap Documentation - used for code snippets and support
- Stack Overflow - General resource for code and problem solving
- W3 School - General resource for code and problem solving
- Grammarly - for spellcheck
i. Responsiveness is tested on all screen sizes all the way down to 320px. I've reduced font-size on some elements to improve mobile user experience. All elements are rendering fine; there's no broken links or images
ii. Accessibility tested with WAVE Web Accessibility Tool:
- the result showed errors in colour contracts in the Navbar and service boxes on the HomePage
- hamburger menu icon changed to white due to poor color contrast
iii. Missing label tags on some input fields. Issue fixed to avoid confusing the screen reader. All icons are hidden for screen readers & each image has the alt tag.
iv. CSS Validator showed three erros:
- missing semicolon on two lines
- invalid background property (background-repeat-x: no-repeat;)
- missing closing bracket on media query
CSS also shown warnings about 'unknown vendor extension' - they are fine to leave as is (reference stack overflow)
v. HTML Validator
- validator showed errors for a tags I've used in ul tag without nesting them to l tags first.
- unessecarry use of type="submit" attribute in some of the tags (previously bootstrap buttons)
Bootstrap navbar seems to glitch on small screens. When expanding it goes to the original form and then it applies bespoke styling, so the glitch is visible for a second. Invalid background property (background-repeat-x: no-repeat;). The code editor is giving a warning message that the property doesn't exist, but it works in the browser and dev tools.
- Special thanks to my mentor Narender Singh for the guidance & encouragement.
- Thanks to the slack community and CI staff