The loot list addon for OnyFans
- Shows whose next in line for an item
- When holding alt over an item in your character sheet
- When holding alt while clicking an item link
- When holding alt before hovering over a corpse item
- When holding alt before hovering over AtlasLoot tooltip
- Import a loot list from CSV
- Validates Itemnames by cross checking with AtlasLoot
- Validates player names by cross checking with the in game guild list
- Validates dates (list active, 1/2 active)
- Doesn't add players to a list who have not reached list active or 1/2 active
- Takes attendance modifier into account when making the list
- Loot master features
- Automatically broadcasts boss loot drops if looted by a master looter
- Pre-made blacklist of items so nonsense items aren't broadcasted
- Loot tracking features
- Broadcasts loot drops to other OnyFansLoot users who are out of range to receive "so and so receives xxxx" messages
- Keeps track of dropped items that are on any players list and who got that item
- These items are added to an exlusion list
- Keeps track of all raid drops
- If disenchanter has the addon, also keeps track of loot that is disenchanted (if they use the command)
- Export these with the '/of export' or '/of export help' command
- Syncs the loot list and exlusion list with other raid members who are also on the loot list and have active lists
- Holding Alt over an inventory item
- Holding Alt while clicking a chat link
- Holding Alt before hovering over mob loot
- Holding Alt before hovering over AtlasLoot tooltip
- disenchant command, and enchanted item protection
- Download OnyFans Loot
- Unzip
- Rename the unzipped folder to "OnyfansLoot"
- Copy or cut the now renamed "OnyfansLoot" and paste it into Interface\AddOns
- Restart World of Warcraft
- Wait for an automatic list update (if someone else is importing) OR Import the latest list via the /of import command (read instructions)
- If any of the items in the loot list or master loot list are misspelled this won't work
- List updates are sent out by whomever imports the list from csv but you need to be on a list to get sent it
- Before importing from CSV, all items with strikethrough need to be deleted OR you need to have a populated exlusion list with all strikethrough items on it
- Every command starts with /of or /onyfansloot. The examples will be using /of but /onyfansloot will work too.
- /of help - Bring up a list of commands
- /of export - bring up a logged list of drops from the last raid (if there's more than 1 raid that day, may need to use other commands)
- /of export n - where n is between 1 and 5. This will give you easy access to the last five raids that you've been in. For example /of export 3
- /of export help - bring up a list of raid keys. You can then copy a key to use in the next command
- /of export key - where key is one of the copy pasted keys you got from the '/of export help' command. This gives you access to all the raids you've been in
- /of import - brings up a window where you can paste in a loot list in CSV format.
- WARNING: Delete everything in this window before pasting in the CSV
- WARNING - Remove any loot list items with strikethrough before converting to CSV and importing
- once the list has been imported, a window will pop up showing any errors with spelling in item names, guild member names, and date errors
- /of stage - once you have cleared any erros with the import(or satisfied), this command will allow you to test the changes before you send them to anyone else.
- /of commit - If you are satisfied with how the list was staged, you can commit these changes. They will then be sent out to everyone else (assuming higher list version)
- /of disenchant - Updates exported drops list from whoever is disenchanting, (if they have the addon), to "disenchanted"
- This syncs to everyone who has the addon
- disenchant with only 1 press, if you macro the command.
- disenchanter is shown in chat what they are disenchanting
- has enchanted item protection, must press the button 3 times to disenchant an enchanted item
- /of autoinv - Periodically auto invites people from guild that also have a list into the raid group
- /of exclude key - Adds items from list drops to exclusion list where key is a key from /of export help
- /of exclude clear - Clears the current exlusion list and bumps the version up one. Use this if you are starting a brand new list
- /of exclude show - Prints a list of what is in the exclude list
- /of clear - Clears imported lists (but not tooltip lists). useful for removing nags if you are not importing lists but once did"
- Steps 1-3 are optional if you are starting with a populated exlusion list
- use '/of exclude show' command to check
- if exclude list is empty, but you have logged item drops you want to add to it
- use '/of exclude key' to add items to exclusion list. Where key is a key from '/of export help'
- list items are automatically added to the exclusion list when handed out during raid
- Go to the lootlist Google spreadsheet hit ctrl+a to highlight everything and ctrl+c to copy everything
- Paste a copy of the sheet in a completely new Google spreadsheet somewhere else. This is so you can modify it
- Delete any item cell that has strikethrough. Strikethrough is lost when converting to CSV, so get rid of any cell with it now
- go to File>Download> Comma Separated Values(.csv) to download the CSV
- Open the CSV file in the text editor of your choice. Notepad works. DONT OPEN WITH EXCEL OR OTHER SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE
- With the CSV text window open, hit ctrl+a to highlight everything, and ctrl+c to copy everything.
- Open or tab over to WoW, and type in the '/of import' command
- Click inside the import window so your cursor is inside it, and then hit ctrl+a and then backspace to remove the instructions there
- With your now clear import window, hit ctrl+v to paste in the previously copied CSV text
- Hit Save, a window after will pop up showing any errors. Fix these errors in your spreadsheet and repeat steps 4-10
- Once all errors are cleared (at least the ones you care about) use the command '/of stage" to preview the loot list changes
- The stage command will reset if you reload the game or UI. It just previews the changes to tooltips.
- If everything is as you hoped/excepted you can make this list official and share it by using the '/of commit' command
- Congrats you have now imported your list! It will be shared to other guildmates after a few minutes.