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My personal dotfiles

a screenshot of the desktop

Installation (not recommended)

git clone
cd dotfiles

Other things needed

to setup vim you need to run :PlugInstall

If you would rather use neovim instead of emacs for terminal editing, in fish/, set EDITOR to "nvim" and EDITORARGS to ""

To make the caps lock key work instead of pressing Control and un-swap alt and suprt, remove the line "kb_options = xxx" in hypr/hyprland.conf

fonts needed:

  • NotoSans Nerd Font
  • 0xProto Nerd Font

themes needed:

  • Sweet-cursors
  • Catppuccin-green gtk

programs needed:

  • hyprland
  • hyprlock
  • hyprpaper
  • hypridle
  • waybar
  • eza
  • alacritty
  • tofi
  • brightnessctl
  • pamixer
  • fastfetch
  • htop
  • fish
  • starship
  • trash-cli
  • fastfetch
  • zoxide
  • neovim
  • rofi-wayland
  • rofi-power-menu
  • wl-clipboard
  • dunst
  • emacs