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This package provides tools for synchronizing the LiDAR clock to your local ptp4l grandmaster clock using PTP. If you are using an external grandmaster, where your local system and the LiDAR are to act as slaves, then this is not the document for you.

NOTE: Throughout this document we use the jq commandline tool to process JSON on the command line. If you don't have that installed, we highly recommend it: sudo apt install jq. We now assume you have it.

NOTE: We are not using sudo to run our pmc commands below. This is because we set up our ptp4l permissions per the post-installation instructions discussed here.


Modern robotics systems are distributed systems. Each node (computer, sensor, actuator, etc.) typically has its own internal clock (sometimes several clocks). Synchronizing these distributed clocks is required for proper operation at a systems level. Ouster LiDARs natively support the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) for clock synchronization. Chapter 9 of the Ouster Software Guide provides a nice overview of synchronizing an Ouster LiDAR with a Linux host that will act as the PTP grandmaster clock. This guide builds on that document to help tune such a setup. It is expected that the reader of this document has followed the Ouster guide and is now in the tuning phase.

High-level overview of our exemplary clock architecture:


NOTE: Our focus in this document is to tune the PTP link (red).

Referring to the figure above, we have a single Ouster OS1-16 hard-wired directly over ethernet into a Linux host running Ubuntu 18.04. The Linux host synchronizes its local system clock with NTP servers on the Internet to set its absolute wall clock time. This is managed with chronyd. The NIC on the host (which supports hardware timestamping) has its clock synchronized to the local system clock with phc2sys. Then a locally running ptp4l daemon instance serves the NIC's hardware clock time as the root timing reference for the network acting as the PTP grandmaster. In this case, our network is simply the Linux host and the Ouster OS1-16.

Synchronizing the Linux host time to the NTP internet servers is not strictly necessary. However, we prefer to have a good estimate of the wall clock time for debugging across systems. For example, we may want to correlate log messages generated on our robot to logs from an off-board fleet management server or cloud service. We also note that if higher-precision absolute time is needed, an external PTP grandmaster synchronized to GPS could/should be used. However, for our example and many applications, using NTP like we show above is sufficient. An excellent article on more accurate absolute time tuning is available here.

The remainder of this document will assume a reasonable absolute wall clock time on the local Linux host as obtained via NTP. To that end, our focus is on tuning the PTP setup between the host and the LiDAR. To be clear, a synchronized clock between our host and sensor is critical for running algorithms that consume the LiDAR data and assume good timestamps on the point clouds.

Identifying the HW Addresses

The first thing we need to do before we can tune anything is to make sure we can clearly discriminate between our host and the LiDAR as they will be identified in the PTP network. Specifically, they will use the MAC addresses of the ethernet adapters. So, let's resolve those.

Our Linux host has a wired ethernet interface enp0s31f6 with the IP address bound to it.

$ ip addr show dev enp0s31f6
2: enp0s31f6: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e8:6a:64:f4:3c:5b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global noprefixroute enp0s31f6
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::fe1f:f914:cc92:db5b/64 scope link tentative
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

The OS1-16 has the IP address as obtained from our dhcp_server. Let's check general connectivity with ping. From our Linux host:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.189 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.141 ms

Let's also look at our ARP cache so we can obtain the OS1-16 physical (MAC) address:

$ arp -a
? ( at bc:0f:a7:00:07:92 [ether] on enp0s31f6

OK. This is important. From the ip and arp commands above, we now have the IP and MAC addresses of both our Linux host and OS1-16 resolved. For clarity, in our example, they are:

Device IP Address MAC Address
Linux Host e8:6a:64:f4:3c:5b
Ouster OS1-16 bc:0f:a7:00:07:92

LinuxPTP Daemon Configuration

As stated earlier, the Ouster documentation covers the basics of setting up ptp4l and phc2sys. For the sake of brevity, those instructions will not be repeated. In this section will review some of the finer points.

The ptp4l daemon handles the actual PTP protocol specfics for us. Again, we intend for our host to act as the grandmaster. So, we ensure that in our /etc/linuxptp/ptp4l.conf we have the following parameters set (so it wins the election vs the LiDAR to play the role of master):

slaveOnly               0
priority1               128
priority2               128
domainNumber            0
clockClass              128

We also want to ensure we are using hardware timestamping with:

time_stamping           hardware

At the very bottom of the ptp4l.conf file, we list our network interface like (so we don't have to list it on the cmd line):


Finally, the contents of our /etc/systemd/system/ptp4l.service.d/override.conf file looks like:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ptp4l -f /etc/linuxptp/ptp4l.conf

Now we need to configure phc2sys. We want to tell it to take our system clock (which obtains an absolute wall clock time via NTP using chronyd) and set the NIC's PTP time to it and to keep it syncrhonized. To do that, we set the contents of our /etc/systemd/system/phc2sys.service.d/override.conf file to:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/phc2sys -w -u 60 -s CLOCK_REALTIME -c enp0s31f6

Now you can start both services in the usual way:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl stop phc2sys.service
$ sudo systemctl stop ptp4l.service
$ sudo systemctl start ptp4l.service
$ sudo systemctl start phc2sys.service

We can inspect our grandmaster settings using pmc:

$ pmc -u -i /var/tmp/pmc.sock -b 0 "GET GRANDMASTER_SETTINGS_NP"
		clockClass              128
		clockAccuracy           0xfe
		offsetScaledLogVariance 0xffff
		currentUtcOffset        36
		leap61                  0
		leap59                  0
		currentUtcOffsetValid   0
		ptpTimescale            1
		timeTraceable           0
		frequencyTraceable      0
		timeSource              0xa0

There is a problem. The currentUtcOffset is set to 36 which is incorrect. As of Dec 31, 2016, an additional leap second was added to the TAI to UTC offset so the correct setting should be 37. We can put that in place as well using pmc.

$ pmc -u -i /var/tmp/pmc.sock -b 0 "SET GRANDMASTER_SETTINGS_NP clockClass 128 clockAccuracy 0xfe offsetScaledLogVariance 0xffff currentUtcOffset 37 leap61 0 leap59 0 currentUtcOffsetValid 1 ptpTimescale 1 timeTraceable 1 frequencyTraceable 0 timeSource 0xa0"
		clockClass              128
		clockAccuracy           0xfe
		offsetScaledLogVariance 0xffff
		currentUtcOffset        37
		leap61                  0
		leap59                  0
		currentUtcOffsetValid   1
		ptpTimescale            1
		timeTraceable           1
		frequencyTraceable      0
		timeSource              0xa0

NOTE: As of the Ubuntu 20.04, the version of ptp4l that is shipped, the /etc/linuxptp/ptp4l.conf config file supports the utc_offset parameter. So, you can set it like the following and avoid having to issue the above command.

utc_offset              37

Validating the PTP Nodes

Let's now see how the PTP nodes are configured:

$ pmc -u -i /var/tmp/pmc.sock -b 1 'GET CURRENT_DATA_SET'
	e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     0
		offsetFromMaster 0.0
		meanPathDelay    0.0
	bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     1
		offsetFromMaster -171933.0
		meanPathDelay    20575.0

We can see from above that our Linux host e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0 is acting as the master and the OS1-16 bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1 is not. As indicated by the stepsRemoved the OS1-16 is 1 communication hop from the master (our Linux host) as we expect. Let's get some more information:

$ pmc -u -i /var/tmp/pmc.sock -b 1 'GET TIME_STATUS_NP'
	e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT TIME_STATUS_NP
		master_offset              0
		ingress_time               0
		cumulativeScaledRateOffset +0.000000000
		scaledLastGmPhaseChange    0
		gmTimeBaseIndicator        0
		lastGmPhaseChange          0x0000'0000000000000000.0000
		gmPresent                  false
		gmIdentity                 e86a64.fffe.f43c5b
	bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT TIME_STATUS_NP
		master_offset              -167079
		ingress_time               1586552465515858167
		cumulativeScaledRateOffset +0.000000000
		scaledLastGmPhaseChange    0
		gmTimeBaseIndicator        0
		lastGmPhaseChange          0x0000'0000000000000000.0000
		gmPresent                  true
		gmIdentity                 e86a64.fffe.f43c5b

For our Linux host e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0 we see that gmPresent being false indicating that it is the grandmaster clock and validated with the gmIdentity being its own Id. For the OS1-16 bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1 we see that gmPresent is true indicating that the local clock on the LiDAR is not acting as the grandmaster and that the grandmaster it is using, as shown by the gmIdentity is our Linux host. This can be further validated by using the OS1-16 HTTP API.

Validate the OS1-16 is not acting as the grandmaster:

$ curl -s | jq .port_data_set.port_state

Validate it is using our Linux host as the master:

$ curl -s | jq .parent_data_set.grandmaster_identity

We can now conclude that our PTP architecture is setup correctly. Our Linux host is the acting PTP grandmaster. The Ouster is a PTP slave and acknowledges that our Linux host is its PTP master. We now focus on tuning the synchronization of the clocks.

Assessing the PTP Time Sync

As a preliminary here, let's make sure the Ouster is using PTP as its timestamp_mode:

$ nc 7501
set_config_param timestamp_mode TIME_FROM_PTP_1588

You can validate with:

$ curl -s | jq .sensor.timestamp.mode

Let's get a general sense of how well the two clocks are synchronized:

$ pmc -u -i /var/tmp/pmc.sock -b 1 'GET CURRENT_DATA_SET'
	e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     0
		offsetFromMaster 0.0
		meanPathDelay    0.0
	bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     1
		offsetFromMaster -181840.0
		meanPathDelay    13955.0

This shows that the LiDAR time is -181840.0 nanoseconds out-of-sync with the Linux host time. That is -0.00018184 seconds which is sub-millisecond but represents -181.84 microseconds of estimated error. PTP is advertised to achieve 1 microsecond (or better) synchronization (the Ouster advertising +/- 50 usecs), so, our -181.84 seems pretty bad. More troubling, it does not seem stable. Let's sample twice:

$ pmc -u -i /var/tmp/pmc.sock -b 1 'GET CURRENT_DATA_SET'
	e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     0
		offsetFromMaster 0.0
		meanPathDelay    0.0
	bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     1
		offsetFromMaster -187200.0
		meanPathDelay    1230.0

$ pmc -u -i /var/tmp/pmc.sock -b 1 'GET CURRENT_DATA_SET'
	e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     0
		offsetFromMaster 0.0
		meanPathDelay    0.0
	bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT CURRENT_DATA_SET
		stepsRemoved     1
		offsetFromMaster 204000.0
		meanPathDelay    23529.0

Our first sample shows an offset of -187200.0 and our second an offset of 204000.0. It feels like we are oscillating around our setpoint of 0. We need a better way to measure and to understand how our system is behaving.

To collect the data we need for our analysis, we will use the pmc_node. Right now we are only interested in looking at the offsetFromMaster and meanPathDelay so we will configure the pmc_node to only send GET CURRENT_DATA_SET at 1 Hz. The pmc_node is configured by editing the pmc.yaml file. You'll want to set the pmc_commands parameter as follows:

pmc_commands: ["GET CURRENT_DATA_SET"]

Assuming you made the above change to the yaml file, you can now start the node with:

$ ros2 launch ouster_ptp

And you can check that the data are coming across as you expect by capturing one message like:

$ ros2 run ouster_ptp ptp-dump --pretty -1 2>/dev/null
      "ptp_msgs": [
          "current_data_set": {
            "meanPathDelay": "0.0",
            "offsetFromMaster": "0.0",
            "stepsRemoved": "0"
          "ptp_header": {
            "action": "RESPONSE",
            "sequenceId": "1",
            "sourcePortIdentity": "e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0"
          "recv_stamp_ns": "1586610222017950803"
          "current_data_set": {
            "meanPathDelay": "-9742339.0",
            "offsetFromMaster": "-8068397568.0",
            "stepsRemoved": "1"
          "ptp_header": {
            "action": "RESPONSE",
            "sequenceId": "1",
            "sourcePortIdentity": "bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1"
          "recv_stamp_ns": "1586610222018210687"
      "send_stamp_ns": "1586610222017560066"

We will now use this same ptp-dump command to log 5 minutes of data to a file that we can use for offline analysis (optional).

$ timeout -s INT 300s ros2 run ouster_ptp ptp-dump 2>/dev/null | tee /tmp/ptp_json_log-00.txt
[{"GET CURRENT_DATA_SET":{"send_stamp_ns":"1586610947564269927","ptp_msgs":[{"recv_stamp_ns":"1586610947564518608","ptp_header":{"sourcePortIdentity":"e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0","sequenceId":"11","action":"RESPONSE"},"current_data_set":{"stepsRemoved":"0","offsetFromMaster":"0.0","meanPathDelay":"0.0"}},{"recv_stamp_ns":"1586610947564772636","ptp_header":{"sourcePortIdentity":"bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1","sequenceId":"11","action":"RESPONSE"},"current_data_set":{"stepsRemoved":"1","offsetFromMaster":"26050.0","meanPathDelay":"-2901.0"}}]}}]
[{"GET CURRENT_DATA_SET":{"send_stamp_ns":"1586610948564207280","ptp_msgs":[{"recv_stamp_ns":"1586610948564571985","ptp_header":{"sourcePortIdentity":"e86a64.fffe.f43c5b-0","sequenceId":"12","action":"RESPONSE"},"current_data_set":{"stepsRemoved":"0","offsetFromMaster":"0.0","meanPathDelay":"0.0"}},{"recv_stamp_ns":"1586610948564788188","ptp_header":{"sourcePortIdentity":"bc0fa7.fffe.000792-1","sequenceId":"12","action":"RESPONSE"},"current_data_set":{"stepsRemoved":"1","offsetFromMaster":"-98994.0","meanPathDelay":"16587.0"}}]}}]

... remainder of output not shown for obvious reasons ...

Using this zero-argument version of ptp-dump we get a packed JSON representation with the results of a single poll on one line. Leveraging this, we can validate that we got our data samples at 1 Hz with:

$ cat /tmp/ptp_json_log-00.txt | wc -l

NOTE: We would have expected 300 lines but only got 299. This is likely related to the time it took ROS to discover the publisher before receiving any data. The timeout command knows nothing about ROS so could not accomodate for that. We will live with only 299 samples.

Plotting the offsetFromMaster over the entire 5 minute sampling period produces the following:


Our assertion was correct, we are wildly oscillating around the 0 setpoint. The notebook used to produce the above plot is available here.

TODO: Still investigating how to get this resolved. May need work on Ouster side since it is the slave. Stay tuned...

Assessing the System Clock Time Sync

In a way similar to above, we want to see how well the Linux system time is synchronized to the LiDAR system time. We have automated that with the following command:

$ ros2 run ouster_ptp sys-time -1 | jq
  "system_time": "1587149751.906000376",
  "lidar_time": "1587149751.904213667"

We see they are synchronized to within a couple milliseconds. It is actually better than that as there is no latency estimate here in making the http call to get the Ouster data. We also note, you can run the sys-time script in a batch mode as well if you want to log these data over time. For example:

$ ros2 run ouster_ptp sys-time --help
usage: sys-time [-h] [--ip IP] [--hz HZ] [-1]

Compare the local system time to the LiDAR system time

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --ip IP     LiDAR IP address (default:
  --hz HZ     Frequency to poll timestamps (default: 1)
  -1, --one   Poll once and exit (default: False)

$ ros2 run ouster_ptp sys-time --hz 2

A notebook looking at the synchronization of my local system clock to the Ouster system clock over a 5 minute period is available here. Again, these data need to be considered a very rough estimate as the method to acquire the times have a significant amount of latency built in (e.g., making an http request to the LiDAR, then the LiDAR needing to sample the time (and other stuff) then package up the results and send it back).