Please refer to the online documentation for installation steps, user guides and APIs.
Documentation is based on Sphinx and can be generated locally from the repository top.
- Python version: python 3.7 to 3.8
- Tensorflow version >= 2.10.x
- Sphinx version 2.1 or above
Optional: create a virtual environment using Virtualenv or Conda
Install akida packages and their requirements using the provided file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install Sphinx additional modules used by the documentation:
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
pip install sphinx-gallery
pip install autodocsumm
- Finally build using sphinx-build tool, refer to Sphinx tutorial for details on this command line:
sphinx-build -D plot_gallery=0 -b html ./doc ./build
Note that by removing the -D plot_gallery=0 option in the previous command, examples will be executed for a nicer rendering but it will take much more time.
- Open .build/index.html once done
Style check is based on flake8.
To align examples with python formatting rules:
autopep8 --ignore E402,E501 --in-place --recursive examples/