Go to https://github.com/BranniganLab/density_threshold_affinity for the latest versions of these scripts (and more)
VMD and python tools for calculating and plotting 2D lipid density maps
Start with the TCL folder. In the helpers directory you have three TCL scripts. BinTools has required functions for the overall script. Lipid_Saturation_Head sets up a series of macros to organize lipids by head group and saturation. asign_helices_2BG9_CG breaks down the protein's structure into the different chains and allows users to isolate specific alpha helicies. Not it will only work for 2BG9 structure. This version is a modification from Grace Brannigan's.
The file densitymap contains the TCL functions. It is suggested to build a run file to load coarse grained simulations and call the polarDensityBin function from there. To run:
source polarDensity.tcl polarDensityBin .
Please run for one lipid at a time. Side Note: This script uses qwrap by Jerome Henin (https://github.com/jhenin/qwrap). I have not been sucessful installing qwrap on a Mac.
polarDensity_helper contains the organization and plotting routines. This is the file you want to change paths in for your data files! Density_Analysis runs the analysis. Please note, in it's current stage it has been designed to work with a few very specific membranes.
To run:
Density(, ddg=False, lipids=[list of lipid resnames, saturations, or head groups], enrich=<True/False>) If enrichment is True, it will produce an a polar enrichemnt plot normalized to the bulk membrane. If False, it will produce a density plot. Please leave ddg=False, this was implemented later in Polar_Binning_DeltaG (https://github.com/BranniganLab/Polar_Binning_DeltaG).