A simple iPhone app to connect with FakeApi and enable users to verify the veracity of news and provide their opinions(fake/true) about it.
$ git clone https://github.com/BrunoScheltzke/FakeApp.git
You will find the steps necessary on the FakeApi git repository
You can test the app from the link on the Test Flight app
- The app is still under tests and might be unstable
- Create basic vote screen
- Create basic verify-news screen
- Create settings screen to setup FakeApi
- Determine user's signing keys approach
- Implement user authentication
- Modify vote screen so it only takes false or true values for vote
- Modify verify-news screen to display news veracity in a more user-friendly way
- Create app icon
- Submit to App Store
- Let user know if s/he has voted on a certain news
- Display number of voters on news
- Display news that other users have voted based on news the current user has voted