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Usage: [-h] [-b] [--bs SORT] [-c] [-i] [-o]
                                [-s FILE_PATH] [-q] [-t] [-v] [-w]

  A simple tool for reporting No Man's Sky base part usage in various ways.
You can list totals for bases, parts outside of bases (like save beacons), and
generate a CSV list of base stats. Each of these has individual options like
sorting that can be leveraged to customise your output.

  To use this tool, you will first need to export your chosen save file to
JSON. You can do su using a save editor such as the one by goatfungus
( After that you will need to
ensure that you have Python 3.5+ working and the bits in requirements.txt

  v1.0.1 Copyright 2023 Bryn Mosher - Released MIT License


Optional arguments:
  --bs SORT, --base-sort SORT
                        Sort order to use for base reproting when showing
                        individual bases (see --individual) or outputting CSV
                        (--csv). Valid sorts are "name", "parts", and "time"
                        (Default: "name")
  -b, --bases
                        Examine bases. If neither --bases nor --outside are
                        provided and --csv is not used, both --bases and
                        --outsidewill be enabled as a default.
  -c, --csv
                        Generate a Comma Separated Values (CSV) list of all
                        base information. Cannot be combined with --bases nor
  -h, --help
                        Show this help message and exit
  -i, --individual
                        If examining bases, report totals for each individual
                        base. Ignored if not using the --bases flag.
  -o, --outside, --outside_bases
                        Only examine parts built outside of bases such as save
                        beacons. If neither --bases nor --outside are provided
                        and --csv is not used, both --bases and --outside will
                        be enabled as a default.
  -q, --quiet
                        Disable all output but errors.
  -s FILE_PATH, --save FILE_PATH, --save_path FILE_PATH
                        Path to NMS save file exported as JSON. (Default:
  -t, --totals
                        List part totals by object ID in reports
  -v, --verbose
                        Enable verbose output to STDERR.
  -w, --warnings, --show-warnings
                        Enable reporting warning messages to STDERR.