Calculator ⬛ - 🏐 - 🔺
The Calculator is my first project with all focus in JavaScript functions().
At basics is a area and perimeter calculator for rectangles, circles and triangles, all of it in just one page!!! The user can input some values and recive the result at the same time! Amazing, isn't it? 🤗
AAAh, I almost forget... theres a resposive layout too ☺
For real, I love the process of making this project
In this page, you can calculate the areas and perimeters by just clicking in a button.
I used more CSS and JavaScript for this one... But the SweetAlert is on it too.
With some clean colors and a relaxing vibe, I created the layout and the pallet by my own, fell free to dowlaoad and make your own style ☺
The final result you can see ➡here⬅