Unnoficial SDK for around Notion API
The project is avaiable on Nuget
dotnet add package Notion.Sharp
The first step for using the SDK is to initialize the client with the Bearer Token and the Notion API Version. You should create a notion integration to get a bearer token.
string bearerToken = BEARER_TOKEN;
string apiVersion = "2021-08-16";
INotion client = Notion.GetClient(bearerToken, apiVersion);
Each notion api endpoint has a corresponding method associated with it
Name | Method |
Query a database | QueryDatabaseAsync |
Create a database | CreateDatabaseAsync |
Update database | UpdateDatabaseAsync |
Retrieve a database | GetDatabaseAsync |
List databases (deprecated) | GetDatabasesAsync |
Retrieve a page | GetPageAsync |
Create a page | CreatePageAsync |
Update page | UpdatePageAsync |
Retrieve a page property item | GetPagePropertyAsync |
Retrieve a block | GetBlockAsync |
Update a block | UpdateBlockAsync |
Retrieve block children | GetBlocksChildrenAsync |
Append block children | AppendBlockChildrenAsync |
Delete a block | DeleteBlockAsync |
Retrieve a user | GetUserAsync |
List all users | GetUsersAsync |
Retrieve your token's bot user | GetMeAsync |
Search | SearchAsync |
Make a request to any endpoint
PaginationList<User> users = await client.GetUsersAsync();