Simple automated log&history cleaner and fetch information like neofetch, this script compatible with all distro which have bash (bourne again shell).
git clone
cd GhostCleaner
sudo make install
also you can use the script directly after cloning the repository like bash --help, it's portable script.
ghostcleaner --clean-logs : it removes existing logs from array, but maybe you need to restart to log services after this option, it can be break any service.
ghostcleaner --clean-history : it removes any files and directories ending with 'history' in your home directory.
ghostcleaner --fetch-info : fetch the system information and print to the screen, it shows "OS", "UPTIME", "HOSTNAME" "USER TYPE", "CPU MODEL", "CPU USAGE", "RAM USAGE (with cached, inactive, active)", "FREE RAM".
ghostcleaner --shell : there is a little shell like 'sh' using 'read. There you can use the options as command.
ghostcleaner --banner : just print the banner.
ghostcleaner --no-banner : set default 'do not print banner' for any option.
ghostcleaner --help : shows this helper text.
ghostcleaner --version : shows the current version of the project.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.