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NestJS Boilerplate

Branch Naming Convention for Releases

For our release branches, we use the following naming convention:

  • Example: release/v1.0.0
  • In this convention, [version] represents the release version. We adhere to the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) rules for our version numbers. For more details on SemVer, please visit Semantic Versioning.


  • Webstorm IDE
  • Node v16.x
  • NPM for the package manager
  • Postman for API endpoint testing and interaction
  • Postgres 15.3 with Prisma library and DBeaver Database Tool
  • Nestjs for basic webserver
  • Docker for the database and test env container (Install Docker Desktop recommended)
  • Default exposed ports below, You can change this by modifing infra/docker-compose.yml file

Before Start

Step 1. Install Docker Desktop for running Postgres

Step 2. Set up infra

docker-compose -f infra/docker-compose.yml up -d

Environment Injection

Step 1. Setting domain for authentication

sudo vi /etc/hosts
# as-is :  localhost
# to-be

Step 2. Copy env.example to .env

  • basic env values are already set up
cp .env.example .env

How to use

Step 1. Install dependencies

npm install

Step 2. Set up Prisma

npm run local:db:push
npm run local:db:generate-client
npm run local:db:seed

Step 3. Start server

npm run start:dev

Swagger docs

Step 1. Domain should be ready on your local (e.g

Step 2. Start server

Step 3. you can check and testing apis on this link

Error codes


  • B1000 -
  • B1100 -
  • B1200 - ConflictError - Error occurs when a user attempts to recreate data that already exists
  • B1300 - NotFoundError - Error occurs when requested resource could not be found