ROS node for publishing BNO055 IMU data. Uses the adafruit BNO055 python library.
Easy integration of BNO055 sensors into a ROS software environment.
PLEASE run on fresh system and update install instructions (not sure what was installed by default on my rpi)
- No compilation needed however msg files must be loaded through a catkin_make and source of the devel/setup.bash
Node name:
- bno055
: Publishesgeometry_msgs/Imu
Contains quaternion orientation, linear acceleration (m/s^2), and angular velocity (rads/s) . -
: Publishesbno055_info
Contains the information on the IMUs calibration (accel, gyro, magno, sys) status and temperature (celcius).
Make sure that a BNO055 is plugged in to the raspberry pi's I2C interface and that the BNO055 has an address of 0x28 using sudo i2cdetect -y 1
. Launch using <node type="" pkg="bno055" name="bno055_node"/>
in a launch file or using rosrun bno055
If the custom bno55_info message info can not be read make sure to source devel/setup.bash If a an input/output error occurs make sure the I2C bus is operational and the sensor is properly connected:
sudo rapi-config
to turn the bus onsudo i2cdetect -y 1
to make sure that the bus is operational and that the BNO055 has an address of 0x28
Current maintainer: Michael Equi
- Michael Equi - initial work