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Sample scripts utilizing CA APM Command Center API for automating typical tasks


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CA APM Command Center API Scripts

Short Description

This extension provides a suite of example scripts using the CA APM Command Center API for automating typical tasks.


This extension provides a suite of example scripts using the CA APM Command Center API for automating typical tasks.

The extension python-library-and-examples contains a python wrapper library ( and associated sample scripts for alternative methods of writing APM Command Center utility scripts.

For installation instructons, see the ReadMe.MD file.


Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004.


  • CA APM Command Center Server version 1.1 or later
  • Security token generated in the CA APM Command Center Web UI. See API Authentication and Authorization for more information.
  • The scripts directory in the extension downloaded to your local drive.


  • The (*.py) script(s) require Pyhton 2.7 or higher (see comments in the scripts for changes for SSL handling introduced in Python 2.7.9)
  • The (*.groovy) script(s) require Groovy 3 or higher
  • The (*.js) script(s) require Node JS with commander and sync-request modules
  • The (*.sh) script(s) require Bash with GNU toolset (curl version 7.18.0 or higher) and the jq JSON parser.

Install Groovy and Node.js

  1. Follow the instructions on how to install the latest version of Groovy.
  2. Install Node.js and then add it to your system path.
  3. While in the directory where this scripts resides import these modules: '' ''

Run Scripts

All scripts require providing valid server URL and security token either as command line option argument or by hardcoding them in the scripts. The following code snippets assume the latter.

Agent-diag-report.groovy script

Command line help:

> groovy agent-diag-report.groovy --help
usage: agent-diag-report.groovy [options] --dir|-d <DIR> --query|-q
Uses the APM Command Center API to automate download of diagnostic reports for
CA APM Agents matching query criteria
-d,--dir <DIR>                Path to target directory for reports
-h,--help                     This help screen
-q,--query <QUERY>            Query for the Agents to get report(s) for.
							Use '*' to get reports for all Agents (use
							with caution).
-s,--server-url <SERVER>      URL to APM Command Center Server. Uses
							https://accdemowin01:8443 by default.
-t,--security-token <TOKEN>   Security token to use for authorization

Sample query: --query "serverName:ACCDemo* AND appServerName:Tomcat"

Sample output:

> groovy agent-diag-report.groovy --dir /tmp/reports --query "serverName:ACCDemo*"
Requesting diagnostic report for Tomcat Agent (Tomcat) on host ACCDemoLinux01...
-> Diagnostic report id=74 initiated
Requesting diagnostic report for Tomcat Agent (Tomcat) on host ACCDemoWin01...
-> Diagnostic report id=75 initiated
Waiting for diagnostic report(s) to finish...
-> Report id=74 for Tomcat Agent (Tomcat) on host ACCDemoLinux01 COMPLETED
-> Report id=75 for Tomcat Agent (Tomcat) on host ACCDemoWin01 COMPLETED
All diagnostic report(s) finished
Downloading reports...
Jul 23, 2015 4:55:21 PM getAt
WARNING: Cannot find parser for content-type: application/zip -- using default parser.
-> File /tmp/reports/ downloaded, extracting to /tmp/reports...done
Jul 23, 2015 4:55:23 PM getAt
WARNING: Cannot find parser for content-type: application/zip -- using default parser.
-> File /tmp/reports/ downloaded, extracting to /tmp/reports...done script

Command line help:

> ./ --help
Uses APM Command Center API to automate handling of log levels of CA APM agents.
matching query criteria


-l, --list             Lists log levels for APM Agents matching query
	--set=<LOG_LEVEL>  Sets log level for APM Agents matching query
-r, --reset            Resets log level to default INFO for APM Agents matching
-h, --help             This help screen
-q, --query=<QUERY>    Query to match APM Agents. If not specified, all agents
					are included in the result.
-s, --server-url=<URL> URL to APM Command Center Server.
					Uses https://accdemowin01:8443 by default.
-t, --security-token <TOKEN>
					Security token to use for authorization
Sample queries:
--query='osName:"Windows Server 2008" OR serverName:ACCDemoLinux01'

Sample outputs:

> ./ --list -q='serverName:accdemo*'
ID:    Agent name:     Process name:   Status:  Server name:    Log level:
------ --------------- --------------- -------- --------------- ----------
101    Tomcat Agent    Tomcat          ACTIVE   ACCDemoLinux01  INFO      
102    Tomcat Agent    Tomcat          ACTIVE   ACCDemoWin01    INFO

> ./ --set=debug --query='serverName:accdemo*'
Setting Log Level on matching CA APM agents.
Requesting Log Level change from INFO to DEBUG on CA APM agent ACCDemoLinux01/Tomcat Agent/Tomcat
-> Created "https://accdemowin01:8443/apm/acc/agentUpdateTask/38"
Requesting Log Level change from INFO to DEBUG on APM Agent ACCDemoWin01/Tomcat Agent/Tomcat
-> Created "https://accdemowin01:8443/apm/acc/agentUpdateTask/39"

> ./ --reset --query='serverName:accdemo*'
Setting Log Level on matching CA APM agents.
Requesting Log Level change from DEBUG to INFO on APM Agent ACCDemoLinux01/Tomcat Agent/Tomcat
-> Created "https://accdemowin01:8443/apm/acc/agentUpdateTask/40"
Requesting Log Level change from DEBUG to INFO on APM Agent ACCDemoWin01/Tomcat Agent/Tomcat
-> Created "https://accdemowin01:8443/apm/acc/agentUpdateTask/41" script

Command line help:

> python --help
usage: [-h] [-s SERVER] [-t TOKEN] [-w TIMEOUT]
								(-l | -u [UUID [UUID ...]])

Handles out-of-date Controllers of CA APM Command Center

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-s SERVER, --server-url SERVER
						URL to CA APM Command Center Server
-t TOKEN, --security-token TOKEN
						Security token to use for authorization
						Wait TIMEOUT(180) secs for upgrade operation to report
						its status. Zero means no waiting.
-l, --list            Display a list of available out-of-date controllers
-u [UUID [UUID ...]], --upgrade [UUID [UUID ...]]
						Upgrade controllers. Specify UUIDs to upgrade just
						selected Controllers.

Sample outputs:

> python --list
Current version: 99.99.accEagle-SNAPSHOT
Out of date Controllers:
UUID:                                 Server Name:         Available:   Version:
------------------------------------  -------------------- ------------ ------------
4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50  Host-0               yes          1.1
4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50  Host-1               yes          1.1
4d62fc3a-0002-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50  Host-2               yes          1.1
4d62fc3a-0003-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50  Host-3               yes          1.1
4d62fc3a-0004-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50  Host-4               yes          1.1

> python -u
Current version: 99.99.accEagle-SNAPSHOT
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-0...
-> Controller upgrade task id=57 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-1...
-> Controller upgrade task id=58 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0002-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-2...
-> Controller upgrade task id=59 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0003-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-3...
-> Controller upgrade task id=60 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0004-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-4...
-> Controller upgrade task id=61 created
Waiting 180 secs for the upgrade task(s) to finish...
-> Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0002-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-2 COMPLETED
-> Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0003-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-3 COMPLETED
-> Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-1 COMPLETED
-> Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0004-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-4 COMPLETED
-> Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-0 COMPLETED

Upgrade-controller.js script (NodeJS version of

Command line help:

> node upgrade-controller.js -h

Usage: upgrade-controller [options] -s|--server [SERVER-URL] -t|--token [SECURITY-TOKEN] -l|--list [LIST] -u|--upgrade [UPGRADE] -w|--wait [STATUS-WAIT-TIMEOUT]


	-h, --help                             output usage information
	-v, --version [SAMPLE-SCRIPT-VERSION]  output the version number
	-s, --server [SERVER]                  URL to CA APM Command Center, default set to https://accdemowin01:8443/apm/acc
	-t, --token [SECURITY-TOKEN]           Security token to use for autorization
	-l, --list [LIST]                      Display list of available out of date controllers
	-u, --upgrade [UPGRADE]                Specify "*" to upgrade all outdated controllers, or UUID(s) separated by "," to upgrade just selected controllers
	-w, --wait [STATUS-WAIT-TIMEOUT]       Default wait timeout set to (180) secs for upgrade operation to report its status. Zero means no waiting.

Sample outputs:

To view all out of date controllers

> node upgrade-controller.js -l
----------------------------------Out of Date Controllers----------------------------------
UUID: 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50 Server Name: Host-0 Available: true Version: 1.1
UUID: 4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50 Server Name: Host-1 Available: true Version: 1.1
UUID: 4d62fc3a-0002-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50 Server Name: Host-2 Available: true Version: 1.1
UUID: 4d62fc3a-0003-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50 Server Name: Host-3 Available: true Version: 1.1
UUID: 4d62fc3a-0004-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50 Server Name: Host-4 Available: true Version: 1.1

Upgrade all controllers with "*"

> node upgrade-controller.js -u *
--------------------Controller(s) upgrade task started----------------------
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-0
Controller upgrade task id: 111 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-1
Controller upgrade task id: 112 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0002-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-2
Controller upgrade task id: 113 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0003-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-3
Controller upgrade task id: 114 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0004-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-4
Controller upgrade task id: 115 created

Waiting 180 secs for the upgrade task(s) to finish.....
Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-0 COMPLETED
Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-1 COMPLETED
Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0002-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-2 COMPLETED
Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0003-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-3 COMPLETED
Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0004-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-4 COMPLETED

Upgrade selected controllers, note; they're separated by ","

> node upgrade-controller.js -u 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50,4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50
--------------------Controller(s) upgrade task started----------------------
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-0
Controller upgrade task id: 116 created
Requesting upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-1
Controller upgrade task id: 117 created

Waiting 180 secs for the upgrade task(s) to finish.....
Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0001-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-1 COMPLETED
Upgrade of controller 4d62fc3a-0000-4192-8341-a99b21a4dc50/Host-0 COMPLETED
---------------------------------Completed--------------------------------- script

This script is required to enable CA APM Command Center API file operation tasks.


-s <server>
	Command Center Server to use. Default is https://localhost:8088/
-f <file>
	File to upload and send to agents. Default is ./new.pbd
-t <token>
	Security token to use.
-d <destination>
	File name and directory to use on the remote agents.
	Default is my-new.pbd
-q <query>
	Query to use to search for agents. Default is *all* agents.

Sample outputs:

> ./ –s https://reema03-newdev:8088/

Fetching agents ...
ID:    Server name:    Process name:   Agent name:
1      reema03-test1   Tomcat          MyNewAgent
2      Host-0          Tomcat          Agent-0
3      Host-0          Weblogic        Agent-1
4      Host-0          Tomcat          Agent-2
5      Host-0          Weblogic        Agent-3
6      Host-0          Tomcat          Agent-4
7      Host-0          Weblogic        Agent-5
8      Host-0          Tomcat          Agent-6
9      Host-0          Weblogic        Agent-7
10     Host-0          Tomcat          Agent-8
11     Host-0          Weblogic        Agent-9

Uploading file

File new.pbd uploaded. Id is 91

Starting copy tasks ...
New       = 11
Queued    = -
Started   = -
Completed = -
Failed    = -
New       = 4
Queued    = 3
Started   = -
Completed = 4
Failed    = -
New       = -
Queued    = -
Started   = -
Completed = 11
Failed    = -


This document and extension are made available from CA Technologies. They are provided as examples at no charge as a courtesy to the CA APM Community at large. This extension might require modification for use in your environment. However, this extension is not supported by CA Technologies, and inclusion in this site should not be construed to be an endorsement or recommendation by CA Technologies. This extension is not covered by the CA Technologies software license agreement and there is no explicit or implied warranty from CA Technologies. The extension can be used and distributed freely amongst the CA APM Community, but not sold. As such, it is unsupported software, provided as is without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. CA Technologies does not warrant that this resource will meet your requirements or that the operation of the resource will be uninterrupted or error free or that any defects will be corrected. The use of this extension implies that you understand and agree to the terms listed herein. Although this extension is unsupported, please let us know if you have any problems or questions. You can add comments to the CA CA APM Community site so that the author(s) can attempt to address the issue or question. Unless explicitly stated otherwise this extension is only supported on the same platforms as the CA APM Java agent.

Product Compatibilty Matrix



Change Log

Changes for each extension version.

Version Author Comment
1.0 Guenter Grossberger First version of the extension.
1.1 James Hilling, Miroslaw Turski Update for 10.5 and various script fixes and updates