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Camel Morph’s goal is to build large open-source morphological models for Arabic and its dialects across many genres and domains.


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Camel Morph


The work presented in this repository is part of a large effort on Arabic morphology under the name of the Camel Morph Project 1 developed by the CAMeL Lab at New York University Abu Dhabi.

Please use GitHub Issues to report a bug or if you need help using Camel Morph.

Camel Morph’s goal is to build large open-source morphological models for Arabic and its dialects across many genres and domains. This repository contains code meant to build an ALMOR-style database (DB) from a set of morphological specification and lexicon spreadsheets, which can then be used by Camel Tools for morphological analysis, generation, and reinflection.

The following sections provide useful usage information about the repository. For pointers to the system used for the SIGMORPHON 2022 Camel Morph paper, check the Camel Morph SIGMORPHON 2022 section.

Camel Morph SIGMORPHON 2022

For instructions related to inspecting, making use of, replicating the results obtained for the SIGMORPHON 2022 Camel Morph paper1, and the data, see the official_releases/sigmorphon2022_release/ folder.

Camel Morph Nominals EACL 2024

For instructions related to inspecting, making use of, replicating the results obtained for the EACL 2024 Camel Morph Nominals paper, and the data, see the official_releases/eacl2024_release/ folder.



The data throughout this project is being maintained through the Google Sheets interface which can be used to add, delete, or edit morphological specification entries. The following are links to the data and morphological specifications used for this project, and are only accessible upon demand.

Data License

The data files accessed through the below links are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For code license, see License.

Continuously Updated Data

SIGMORPHON 2022 Data (frozen)

The following data is not accessile publicly from the Google Sheets interface but is available in csv format (the way it was at submission time) in the following folder.

EACL 2024 Data (frozen)

The following data is not accessile publicly from the Google Sheets interface but is available in csv format (the way it was at submission time) in the following folder.

LREC-COLING 2024 Data (frozen)

The data is accessible from the following folder.

Folder Hierarchy

The following table describes the function of each directory contained in the repository.

Directory Description
./camel_morph Directory (in package format) containing all the necessary files to build, debug, test, and evaluate the Camel Morph DB Maker.
./camel_morph/configs Contains configuration files which make running the scripts in the above directory easier.
./data Contains, for each different configuration, the set of morphological specification files necessary to run the different scripts. This directory is mandatorily (as per the data reader code) organized into project directories as described in Configuration File Structure section.
./databases Contains the output DB files resulting from the DB Making process.
./misc_files Contains miscellaneous files used by scripts inside ./camel_morph.
./official_releases/sigmorphon2022_release Standalone environment2 allowing users to run the DB Maker and Camel Tools engines without installing Camel Tools, in the same version used for the SIGMORPHON 2022 paper. Also contains the data that was used to get the results described in the paper1.


To compile databases, paradigm-specific inflection (conjugation/declension) tables, or evaluation tables, follow the below instructions. A default configuration file is included in the ./camel_morph/configs directory for direct usage.


To start working with the Camel Morph environment and compiling Mordern Standard Arabic (MSA) databases:

  1. Clone (download) this repository and unzip in a directory of your choice.
  2. Make sure that you are running Python 3.8 or Python 3.9 (this release was tested on these two versions, but it is likely that it will work on other versions).
  3. Run the following command to install all needed libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Run all commands/scripts from the outer camel_morph directory.

For development purposes only

To debug and evaluate databases (MSA or Dialectal Arabic), and for other utilities:

  1. Clone (download) a fork of the Camel Tools repository. The Camel Morph databases will currently only function using the latter instance of Camel Tools. The changes in this fork will eventually be integrated to the main Camel Tools library. Unzip in a directory of your choice.
  2. Set the $CAMEL_TOOLS_PATH value to the path of the Camel Tools fork repository in the configuration file that you will be using (default configuration file ./camel_morph/configs/config_default.json provided; see Configuration File Structure section).

For instructions on how to run the different scripts, see the below sections.

Compiling a Database (DB Maker)

The below command compiles an ALMOR-style database starting from a set of morphological specification files referenced in the specific configuration mentioned as an argument. Before starting compilation, the specifications should be downloaded from the links provided in the data section.


usage: [-h] [-config_file CONFIG_FILE]
                   [-config_name CONFIG_NAME]
                   [-output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                   [-camel_tools {local,official}]


short default help
-h Show this help message and exit.
-config_file config_default.json Name of the configuration file which contains different configurations to run the DB on, and which should be contained in the ./camel_morph/configs/ directory. Some pre-compiled configurations already exist in ./camel_morph/configs/config_default.json, but new ones could be easily added. See here for an overview of the configuration file format. Defaults to config_default.json.
-config_name default_config Configuration name of one of the configurations contained in CONFIG_FILE. It contains script parameters, sheet paths, etc.
-output_dir Overrides path of the directory to output the DBs to (specified in the global section of CONFIG_FILE).
-run_profiling To generate an execution time profile of the specific configuration.
-camel_tools local Path of directory containing the CAMeL Tools modules (should be cloned as described here).


There are various scripts in the suite which are meant to make the debugging/evaluation experience more efficient. To be able to make use of those, many require a (free) service account to be created using Google Cloud, to get an API key (service account) to add to our internal configuration files for use. Google Cloud will generate a JSON file which should be stored locally, and the path of which should be specified in the global section of the configuration as follows: "service_account": $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH.

Follow the instructions until minute 2:00 of this video to first create a service account and API key to use with the Google Sheets API, and then this video to generate the JSON object referred to in the previous paragraph.

Configuration File Structure

In its most basic format, the configuration file should look like the example below in order to successfully run the scripts described in this guide. Unless otherwise stated, variables (beginning with $) are double quoted strings. See here for a list of configuration files used. Also, note that the configuration file can include many other keys/values that are useful for debugging purposes, as specified by the Config reader class.

Default Configuration File

    "global": {
        "data_dir": $DATA_DIR_PATH,
        "specs": {
            "about": {
                $SPREADSHEET_X: $ABOUT_SHEET,
            "header": {
                $SPREADSHEET_X: $HEADER_SHEET,
        "db_dir": $DB_OUTPUT_DIR,
        "camel_tools": $CAMEL_TOOLS_PATH
    "local": {
        $CONFIG_NAME: {
            "dialect": $DIALECT,
            "cat2id": $CAT2ID,
            "reindex": $REINDEX,
            "pruning": $PRUNING,
            "specs": {
                "order": {
                    $SPREADSHEET_X: $ORDER_SHEET_1,
                    $SPREADSHEET_X: $ORDER_SHEET_2,
                "morph": {
                    $SPREADSHEET_X: $MORPH_SHEET_1,
                    $SPREADSHEET_X: $MORPH_SHEET_2,
                "lexicon": {
                    $SPREADSHEET_X: $LEXICON_SHEET_1,
                    $SPREADSHEET_X: $LEXICON_SHEET_2,
            "db": $DB_NAME,
            "pos_type": $POS_TYPE,
            "class_map": $CLASS_MAP


  • $DATA_DIR_PATH: path of the outermost data directory where all sheets are kept (e.g., data; referenced from the main repository directory). Sheets for this configuration should be kept inside a folder which has the name as the configuration ($CONFIG_NAME) which is itself contained in a directory called camel-morph-$DIALECT (where $DIALECT is specified below). So for example, if $DATA_DIR_PATH=data, $DIALECT=msa, and $CONFIG_NAME=pv_msa, then sheets for this configuration should be in a directory with the path ./data/camel-morph-msa/pv_msa.
  • $SPREADSHEET_X: name of the the spreadsheet on Google Sheets containing the sheet which is assigned to it as a value. If no spreadsheet is associated with the sheet, just keep blank.
  • $ABOUT_SHEET: name of the sheet containing the About section which will go in the DB (e.g., About). Either downloaded automatically as specified in the Utilities section or manually.
  • $HEADER_SHEET: same as $ABOUT_SHEET (e.g., Header)
  • $DB_OUTPUT_DIR: name of the directory to which the compiled DBs will be output.
  • $CAMEL_TOOLS_PATH: path of the Camel Tools repository fork that should be cloned/downloaded as described in Installation section.
  • $CONFIG_NAME: name of the configuration in the local section of the config file, to choose between a number of different configurations (e.g., default_config). This is also the name of the folder which contains the sheets that are specified for that configuration and the global section.
  • $DIALECT: dialect being worked with (i.e., msa or egy). This is specified to further organize the configuration-specific data into high-level projects (i.e., ./data/camel-morph-msa or ./data/camel-morph-egy).
  • $CAT2ID: boolean (true or false). Specifies the format in which to output the ALMOR morpheme category names. If set to true, then category names are IDs, otherwise, they contain condition information.
  • $PRUNING: boolean (true or false). Used in the DB making process to speed up DB compilation. For this to be set to true, the Morph sheet must contain condition definitions (organization of conditions into categories).
  • $REINDEX: boolean (true or false). Used in the DB making process to collapse categories after the entries are compiled. This heavily reduces the size of the compatibility tables, and turns category names into compact unique IDs (basically, doing what cat2id does and more).
  • $ORDER_SHEET: same as $ABOUT_SHEET (e.g., MSA-Verb-ORDER).
  • $MORPH_SHEET: same as $ABOUT_SHEET (e.g., MSA-Verb-MORPH).
  • $LEX_SHEET_1: same as $ABOUT_SHEET (e.g., MSA-Verb-LEX-PV). At least one lexicon sheet can be specified; the latter will be concatenated in pre-processing.
  • $DB_NAME: name of the output DB.
  • $POS_TYPE: type of the POS for which we are building the DB. Can either be verbal, nominal or any. As far as the DB Maker is concerned this controls what MADA features are output to the DB file in each line.
  • $CLASS_MAP: dictionary containing the morpheme classes and which complex morpheme type they map to.

Code License

All the code contained in this repository is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.



  1. Nizar Habash, Reham Marzouk, Christian Khairallah, and Salam Khalifa. 2022. Morphotactic Modeling in an Open-source Multi-dialectal Arabic Morphological Analyzer and Generator. In Proceedings of the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, pages 92–102, Seattle, Washington. Association for Computational Linguistics. 2 3

  2. Note that for the release directory, only the morphological components from Camel Tools were sourced from the actual library and were added to be imported locally.


Camel Morph’s goal is to build large open-source morphological models for Arabic and its dialects across many genres and domains.







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