Train What You Know - Precise Pick-And-Place with Transporter Networks [Abstract]
Asking for Help: Failure Prediction in Behavioral Cloning through Value Approximation [Abstract]
Seq2Seq Imitation Learning for Tactile Feedback-Based Manipulation [Abstract]
SGTM 2.0: Autonomously Untangling Long Cables Using Interactive Perception [Abstract]
Online Tool Selection with Learned Grasp Prediction Models [Abstract]
FOGL: Federated Object Grasping Learning [Abstract]
Goal-Image Conditioned Dynamic Cable Manipulation through Bayesian Inference and Multi-Objective Black-Box Optimization [Abstract]
Learning Generalizable Pivoting Skills [Abstract]
Cloth Funnels: Canonicalized-Alignment for Multi-Purpose Garment Manipulation [Abstract]
RLAfford: End-To-End Affordance Learning for Robotic Manipulation [Abstract]
Implementation and Optimization of Grasping Learning with Dual-Modal Soft Gripper [Abstract]