Robust Collaborative 3D Object Detection in Presence of Pose Errors [Abstract]
Joint Semi-Supervised and Active Learning Via 3D Consistency for 3D Object Detection [Abstract]
StereoVoxelNet: Real-Time Obstacle Detection Based on Occupancy Voxels from a Stereo Camera Using Deep Neural Networks [Abstract]
Perceiving Unseen 3D Objects by Poking the Objects [Abstract]
MonoPGC: Monocular 3D Object Detection with Pixel Geometry Contexts [Abstract]
CrossDTR: Cross-View and Depth-Guided Transformers for 3D Object Detection [Abstract]
DOTIE - Detecting Objects through Temporal Isolation of Events Using a Spiking Architecture [Abstract]
CEAFFOD: Cross-Ensemble Attention-Based Feature Fusion Architecture towards a Robust and Real-Time UAV-Based Object Detection in Complex Scenarios [Abstract]