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55 lines (41 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (41 loc) · 2.27 KB


This must be run on the All of Us workbench. You must have launched both an analysis and cromshell environment. This also requires having run the subset_vcf workflow to generate batch VCFs at ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/acaf_batches/chr${chrom}.

git clone
cd cast-workflows/
cd local_ancestry


chrom=11; ./ \
  --name gnomix-chr${chrom} \
  --vcfdir ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/acaf_batches/chr${chrom} \
  --chrom ${chrom} \
  --max-batches 2 

Full chromosome

chrom=11; ./ \
  --name gnomix-chr${chrom} \
  --vcfdir ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/acaf_batches/chr${chrom} \
  --chrom ${chrom}

Upload outputs to our workspace bucket

# Get msp/fb files and copy to ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/gnomix/outputs/
cromshell list-outputs $jobid

# Also keep track of useful phased Beagle files!

gsutil ls -r ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/cromwell-execution/local_ancestry/$jobid/* | grep vcf | grep phased | xargs -n1 -I% -P1 sh -c "gsutil mv % ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/beagle_hg19/chr${chrom}/"


# This used to work but keeps timing out now...
cromshell -t 200000 -mc list-outputs -j -d $jobid > out.json 
cat out.json | python -c "import json, sys; data=json.load(sys.stdin); [sys.stdout.write(item['run_gnomix.beagle'][0]['outvcf']+'\n'+item['run_gnomix.beagle'][0]['outvcf_index']+'\n') for item in data['local_ancestry.run_gnomix']]" | xargs -n1 -I% -P1 sh -c "gsutil mv % ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/beagle_hg19/chr${chrom}/"

# Note: now metadata is printing the colors even when using -mc?
# use list-outputs instesad see above
cromshell -mc -t 2000 metadata $jobid > gnomix_${chrom}_metadata.json
python -c "import json; data = json.load(open('gnomix_chr${chrom}_metadata.json', 'r')); [print(data['calls']['local_ancestry.run_gnomix'][i]['subWorkflowMetadata']['calls']['run_gnomix.beagle'][0]['outputs']['outvcf']) for i in range(len(data['calls']['local_ancestry.run_gnomix']))]; [print(data['calls']['local_ancestry.run_gnomix'][i]['subWorkflowMetadata']['calls']['run_gnomix.beagle'][0]['outputs']['outvcf_index']) for i in range(len(data['calls']['local_ancestry.run_gnomix']))];" | xargs -n 1 -P 1 -I% sh -c "echo gsutil mv % ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/beagle_hg19/${chrom}"