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Releases: CBIIT/CCDC-WebService


20 Mar 17:00
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This release of the Catalog includes updates for 5 existing resources with 11 new datasets and other data updates. Among the new dataset are 2 additions to the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative resource: one new project dataset, Genomic Analysis in Pediatric Malignancies, and one new analytic tool set, Center for Computational and Genomic Medicine Analytic Tools.

Explore the data and site updates in more detail below.

Data Updates

  • Existing Participating Resources and Datasets
  • 5 existing resources have been updated with additional data and information.

General Site Updates

  • The ‘Featured Item’ carousel now includes a pause button. Selecting the button will pause the automatic advancement of the carousel and selecting it a second time will restart the advancement.
  • The Glossary has been updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.
  • The User Guide is updated to reflect new and updated resource information.


20 Apr 16:03
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General Site Updates

  • The Glossary has been updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.

  • The User Guide is updated to reflect new and updated resource information.

Search Catalog

  • Search Catalog exports no longer include errant database characters

Participating Resources

  • Selecting an email point of contact for resource with multiple identified contacts will now only mail to the selected contact.

  • Selecting a point of contact that links to a website will now open in a new tab and not in an email.


20 Apr 16:02
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General Site Updates

  • A direct link to the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative resource was added to the menu bar

  • The ‘CCDI Studies’ link will navigate a user directly to the CCDI resource page

  • Site elements have been updated with additional HTML tagging


03 Mar 20:25
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General Site Updates

The Glossary has been updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.
The Site Update page now includes icons for the Cell Lines and Epidemiologic Data Content Types.
The User Guide is updated to reflect new and updated resource information.

Search Catalog

The Card View cards, on the Search Catalog page, have been updated to allow functional links in the description.

Participating Resources

Users can now filter by the new Data Content Type ‘Epidemiologic’


03 Mar 20:23
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General Site Updates

The homepage text ‘What can you expect from the Data Catalog’ has been updated to remove text overlap.
The breadcrumb navigation has been updated to have a more distinguished coloration
Tooltips now display better on small windows.
A header image has been added to the Document Search page.
A new category, Image Type, has been added to the Glossary to better distinguish terms related to imaging. Additionally, the Glossary has been updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.
The entries on the Site Update page now include an icon(s) to identify the Data Content Type includes in the update. These new icons convey information across all the newly added datasets at a quick glance.
The User Guide is updated to reflect new and updated resource information.

Search Catalog

The Search Catalog export was updated to include the following additional Core Data Elements on export
Case Gender, Sample Anatomic Site, Sample Composition Type, Sample is Normal, Sample is Xenograft

Dataset Details

A new set of dynamic charts has been added to the Dataset Details page to display the available Core Data Elements. Each available core data element can now be displayed as a donut chart with age displayed as a histogram.
Links in the dataset’s Description are now functional.

Participating Resources

Users can now filter by the new Resource Type ‘Analytic Tool’
The Resource Filter column now includes a clear button that clears all the selected fields in the filter and clear the navigation pane of filtered results.

Participating Resources Details

Fixed an issue where dataset type bubbles were displaying incorrectly from the participating resource details page.


22 Nov 18:07
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General Site Updates

  • The CCDC site has been updated with a scroll back to top button in the lower right-hand corner. This new button will take users to the top of the page if selected.

  • The Glossary has been updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.

  • The User Guide is updated to reflect new and updated resource information.

Search Catalog

  • Removed ‘Case ID’ from the ‘Projects’ field on Dataset Details page. This text was a relic of digest data entry.

Participating Resources

  • Updated the search cards on the Participating Resource search page so that the ‘external link’ icon will appears on the same line as the link and not the following.

  • Updated the Participating Resource Details page to allow multiple links in the Data Access field.


19 Oct 13:59
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General Site Updates

  • The CCDC Submission Template file, available on the About CCDI Data Catalog page, has been updated with new definitions on the Glossary tab.

  • Fixed date typo on Site Updates page for the 1.0 release.

  • The Glossary has been updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.

  • The User Guide was updated with new and removed resource information.


04 Oct 18:28
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General Site Updates

  • A new Featured Items widget has been added to the homepage. The new widget highlights site changes and shares information related to the CCDI.

  • A new Site Updates page, available under the About menu, was added to share information on site data and feature changes.
    Site updates are listed in chronological order from newest to oldest.
    Each update appears as a scrollable entry listing site updates and changes.
    Updates can be exported as a PDF.

  • The site header and menu bar have been updated to float at the top of the site pages.

  • External links, links that navigate away from domain, are now marked with an icon and will open in a new tab or window.

  • Site free text search fields (Search Catalog & Documentation Search) now include a clear icon (‘X’) that will clear the field of all typed text. Note: This icon will not clear or reset a search. The “X” clears the search terms from the search field allowing data entry of different text.

  • The site tooltips were updated to address a rare issue where the definition would obscure the word being defined.

  • The Homepage carousel now includes all available resources on the site (up from 10). These resources will automatically advance every few seconds.

  • Homepage text was updated to better reflect the information available on the site

  • The Documentation Search page no longer includes a pagination bar when one is not needed.

  • The Glossary has been updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.

  • The User Guide file name and URL have been updated to be the document name.

Search Catalog

  • The catalog search was enhanced and expanded to search all data fields within a dataset. The additional searched fields will appear on the Card View under the ‘Other Match’ field.
  • The Card View display has been updated for new visual emphasis and search clarity.
  • Searched terms now appear with a blue highlight in addition to bold emphasis.
  • The tan highlighting was removed from Case Disease Diagnosis.
  • Color emphasis was added to the Case Count (blue) and the Sample Count (green).
  • Hyperlinks are now functional.
  • Project information will now appear under ‘Other Match’ and not it’s own field on the card display
  • Fixed an issue affecting the csv export not correctly exporting special characters, like apostrophes.
  • Fixed two navigation issues where the pagination bar would change size when advancing through results and an issue where the color of the Results per Page dropdown did not match the site.
  • The Dataset Details page has been updated to enhance data presentation.
  • Long project names will now display with an adjusted font size to not overwhelm the header
  • Case Disease Diagnosis will now appear in mixed case.
  • The Additional Data Elements section has been re-arranged to appear in alphabetical order.
  • Grant ID and Grant Name have been combined into a single Grant Information table to better associate the ID and the name.

Participating Resources

  • The Research Description filters have been updated so that both the checkbox and label text are clickable to filter the resources.
  • The Data Content Type filter was updated to include only currently available types.
  • The dataset cards on the Participating Resource Details page have been updated to include Case Disease Diagnosis.


02 Jun 15:56
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This latest update to the site includes changes to support mobile browsing, improved accessibility, enhancement of site search tools, and new and updated resource data, including a new resource type, Knowledgebase.


  1. Elements of responsive design have been incorporated into the site to improve small screen and mobile viewing experience.
  2. Color contrast across the site has been increased to improve accessibility and consistency.
  3. Users navigating to a page that does not exist on the site (404 error) will now be notified and given direction to return to the home page.
  4. The site vertical scroll bar has been updated to match the site design from the previous browser default.
  5. The About page was updated with expanded information about the CCDC’s aim of connecting users to data resources.
  6. The Glossary was updated with new acronyms and abbreviations.

Search Catalog

Resource has been added as an additional filter option.

Users can now select a resource(s) in the left-hand column to limit results to a specific resource or set of resources.

Selecting multiple resources functions with the OR Boolean operator

Resource and text searches work together as an AND Boolean search.

Results sorting and display have been improved and expanded with additional user customization options.

In Card View, the Sort By filter has been expanded to include sort by Case and Sample counts.

Card View results can now be sorted in ascending and descending order by selecting two new icons to the right of the Sort By filter.

In Table View, all column headers are now selectable for sorting in ascending and descending order.

Displayed results can now be adjusted to be 10, 20, 50, or 100 results per page by selecting the desired display value in the Results per Page filter

Forward and backwards navigation of paginated results is now done using arrows at the ends of the pagination bar and not ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’ buttons.

Anatomical site searches now leverage the NCI Thesaurus to display synonym matches for the Case Tumor Site data element in addition to matches of the searched term.

Participating Resources

Knowledgebase has been added as an additional Resource Type.

Knowledgebase - Biomedical knowledgebases extract, accumulate, organize, annotate, and link the growing body of information that is related to and relies on core datasets.

Each participating resource now includes information indicating if the resource is pediatric specific or contains mixed adult and pediatric data.

When viewing and filtering participating resources, the results display has been improved and expanded.

Results are now paginated and can be navigated by selecting the forwards or backwards arrows.

Displayed results can be adjusted to be 10, 20, 50, or 100 results per page by selecting the desired display value in the Results per Page filter

Data Updates

New Participating Resources and Datasets

The CCDC has added 7 new resources that include 8 new datasets.

Human Cancer Model Initiative

HCMI Participants Under 40 Years Old

Clinical Interpretations of Variants in Cancer (CIViC)

Clinical Interpretations of Variants in Cancer



Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS)

CBTRUS Fact Sheet 2021

Patient-Derived Xenograft and Advanced In Vivo Models (PDX-AIM)

Patient-Derived Xenograft and Advanced In Vivo Models

PDX Development and Trial Centers Research Network (PDXNet)

PDXNet Portal PDMR Data

PDXNet Portal Model

The Jackson Laboratory PDX Models (JAX PDX)

Mouse Models of Human Cancer database

Updated Participating Resources

Two existing resources have been updated to include the addition of 2 new datasets.

St. Jude Cloud – Updated Case counts

The Cancer Imaging Archive

New - Clinical Trial NCT00352534

New - Clinical Trial NCT00379340


22 Apr 14:49
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Fix PODCAT-397 issue: update submission template to include updated g…