This library is part of the Merritt Preservation System.
This mechanism allows the authorization for downloading a BoxFolder.
- create a box developer app using Limited Access App
- this requires box administration authorization for the app (sent automatically)
- from the Configuration tab screen generate a Private Token - this is treated by Box as an AuthToken on the part of the app
- be sure to copy this value
- Request remote user of content you want to download to add the developer app as a collaborator on the directory to be downloaded
- the developer app email to be used is in the developer App/configuration/ServiceAccountInfo - Service ID
- Request remote user to generate a shared link on the specific Box Folder to be downloaded
- The collaborator level needs to have download privileges. Restricting this level provides additional protection from any intentional or accidental damage
- Similarly the shared link only needs to have group level to include collaborators
This directory is used for running downloading content from remote box hosts.
Each download has a directory on /apps/dpr2/ingest_home/queue/boxContent specific to the download.
Download directory examples include .../2_2_2_screenshots, vaccine_screenshots
For each download directory will eventually contain 3 directories and 1 file:
- boxconfig.prop - configuration information file needed to run download
- data - contains the downloaded box files
- meta - contains downloaded json metadata. The file and name of the metadata corresponds to the data name.
- log - includes TLogs the json metadata downloaded for each file
privateAccess={!SSM: box/config/privateAccess !DEFAULT: none}
- privateAccess=the SSM key for private access key take from a box developers app using App Token (Server Authentication)
- downloadURL=shared download URL for the BoxFolder to be used for download. The link needs public authorization to include only local contributors
- dumpFreq=number of log outputs between processing state output. Is used to dump additional stats into the logs on a regular basis
- skipToName(optional)=skip to this key and begin processing the next key
Before this process can work - the developer app email needs to be added as a view contributor for this specific
directory. The developer app emai name is available under General Settings as the Service Account ID.
The data direcotry contains the box file downloadse. All directory levels are maintained
The meta directory corresponds to the data directory. The Box properties are saved as a JSON file
- id=box id for file
- name=box name or file name
- pathName=contains file levels plus box name
- sha1=sha1 digest
- size=byte size
- status=download status
- processMs=download milliseconds
From ~/ingest_home/queue/boxContent/boxrun
Issue ./ vaccine_screenshots
This looks for /apps/dpr2/ingest_home/queue/boxContent/vaccine_screenshots to begin processing.
The logs contain a header with the json box metadata.
Example log
Mon May 08 21:43:28 PDT 2023 (08) [box] {"id":"916869257600","name":"WY-tertiary-20210602-134900.png","pathName":"WY/WY-tertiary-20210602-134900.png","sha1":"1af84cc47b07483a19ce9a3e9666a8f9aeeb517f","size":299524,"status":"ok","processMs":1412}
Contains the time for processing followed by the JSON metadata included in the meta file.
In order to run this process an executable jar needs to be created for
- cd mrt-box
--go to mrt-box repositoy - mvn clean install
--build runtime jar with maven - cp ~/.m2/repository/org/cdlib/mrt/mrt-boxrun/1.0/mrt-boxrun-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar run.jar
--copy runtime jar from local .m2 repository to executable directory
export BOXRUN=./230428_test
java -jar run.jar
- BOXRUN is set to the download directory (above)
- java -jar run.jar - execute constructed jar