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DNS Tunnel Detection

Module description

The module detects communication tunnels over DNS protocol. Such tunnels can be established e.g. by iodine, dns2tcp and others. It is based on data encapsulation into DNS messages in order to bypass security policy.

How it works

The module uses extended flow records with DNS fields. For testing purposes, such flow records can be exported by flow_meter with -p dns. The list of exported DNS information is in source file - UR_FIELDS.

The module analysis various fields such as domain names and builds a prefix tree of them. Once a given threshold is reach, i.e. there are many different requests for one domain name, the alert is generated. The detection mechanism is described in more detail in Stream-wise detection of surreptitious traffic over DNS.

Output Interface sends alert in UniRec with the following fields:

  • EVENT_ID: identifier of reported event
  • SRC_IP: source of the tunnel (one end-point)
  • TIME_FIRST: timestamp of the first observed flow record of the reported tunnel
  • TIME_LAST: timestamp of the last observed flow record of the reported tunnel
  • TUNNEL_PER_NEW_DOMAIN: Percentage of new non-repeating subdomains
  • TUNNEL_PER_SUBDOMAIN: Percentage of subdomain part that is probably used for data encapsulation
  • TUNNEL_DOMAIN: sample of observed data
  • TUNNEL_CNT_PACKET: Number of processed DNS flows
  • TUNNEL_TYPE: can be one of the following values, not all anomaly types are reported:
    • TUN_T_REQUEST_TUNNEL (1): Request messages anomaly - possible tunnel
    • TUN_T_REQUEST_OTHER (2): Request messages anomaly - other anomaly (probably not a tunnel)
    • TUN_T_REQUEST_MALFORMED_P (3): Malformed packets in DNS requests messages
    • TUN_T_RESPONSE_TUNNEL_REQ (4): Response anomaly - detected tunnel in request string field
    • TUN_T_RESPONSE_TUNNEL_TXT (5): Response anomaly - detected tunnel in TXT field
    • TUN_T_RESPONSE_TUNNEL_CNAME (6): Response anomaly - detected tunnel in CNAME field
    • TUN_T_RESPONSE_TUNNEL_NS (7): Response anomaly - detected tunnel in MX field
    • TUN_T_RESPONSE_TUNNEL_MX (8): Response anomaly - detected tunnel in NS field
    • TUN_T_RESPONSE_OTHER (9): Response anomaly - detected other anomaly than tunnel
    • TUN_T_RESPONSE_MALFORMED_P (10): Response anomaly - malformed packets

List of parameters

-u TMPL	Specify UniRec template expected on the input interface.
-p N        Show progess - print a dot every N flows.
-a          File with whitelist of domain which will not be analysed
-b          File with whitelist of IPs which will not be analysed
-c          Read packet from file - MEASURE_PARAMETERS mode
-s          Folder with results and other information about detection
            (on the end of module). Specify folder for data saving.
-d          File with results of detection anomaly (during modul runtime).
-f          Read packets from file
-g          Set Max and Min EX and VAR for suspision in requests,
            [MIN EX, MAX EX, MIN VAR, MAX VAR] (all values are int)
-r          Set Max and Min EX and VAR for suspision in responses,
            [MIN EX, MAX EX, MIN VAR, MAX VAR] (all values are int)
-j          Set Max count of used letters not to be in suspision mode
            [MAX number for Request, MAX number for response]
-k          Max and Min percent of subdomain [MAX, MIN]
-l          Max count and percent of numbers in domain not to be in
            suspicion mode [MAX count, MAX percent]
-m          Max percent of mallformed packet to be in traffic anoly [MAX]
-n          MIN count of suspected requests to be traffic anomaly
            or tunnel [MIN for traffic anomaly, MIN for tunnel]
-o          MIN count of suspected responses to be traffic anomaly or
            tunnel [MIN for traffic anomaly, MIN for tunnel]
-q          Max and Min percent of searching just ones [MAX, MIN]
-w          MIN length of string to be tunnel [MIN]
-z          Length of collecting packets berore analysis in sec [time in sec]