Release 3.11.0
- Searching for users and members now correctly handle
spaces in search string and also handles name stored
in different order: firstName/lastName vs. lastName/firstName.
- Member sponsorship can now expire on exact day, we can
send notifications for incoming expiration.
- Member can expire or stay valid when losing the last sponsorship
based on VO configuration.
- Membership sponsoring ends with losing the last sponsor,
member is switched to standard member with expiration.
- Fixed deletion of sponsored members.
- Support configurable roles management - eg. we can specify,
which role can manage other roles.
- Added new default roles GROUPOBSERVER, RESOURCEOBSERVER and
- Fixed user matching on registration for VŠUP external workers.
- Propagation Tasks stuck in WAITING state are now also handled
and resheduled on source data changes or force propagation.
- Fixed duplicities in membersManager/getSponsoredMembers().
- Fixed null pointer in membersManager/getSponsoredMembersAndTheirSponsors().
- Fixed exception messages for PrivilegeException.
- Added utils scripts for finding group inconsistencies
and assigning service to the resource with another specified
- Updated RPC docs parsing tool.