Release 3.15.0
- This version contains DB changes!
- This version contains LDAP schema changes!
- Support pushing MFA related attributes to the LDAP.
- Support sponsoring membership for existing user
or not yet sponsored member.
- Support sponsored member creation from CSV.
- Support date ranges when getting exising applications
for VO/Group.
- Extended validity of account activation links
to default 72 hours.
- Exclude group applications when rejecting "too old"
unverified or not approved applications by the VO rules.
- Redefined workflow in Metacentrum registrations
regarded to isCesnetEligibleLastSeen attribute.
- Do not request password reset on Metacentrum
membership extension.
- Various fixes for parsing of displayName in registrar.
- Support VO atributes in new getHashedData() structures.
- Added getAllSponsoredMembers() to API.
- Added getAllSponsoredMembersAndTheirSponsors() to API.
- Added checks for password reset templates content.
- Allow calling getPerunStatus() on read-only instances.
- Updated version of OpenAPI generator.
- Added methods of MembersManager to OpenAPI.
- Updated Spring Boot to 2.4.1 and Spring to 5.3.2.
- Fixed parent of BanNotExistsException.