Release 3.19.0
- Fixed password generation process when creating
sponsored members.
- Support sponsoring members with accounts in other
namespaces than MU or without namespace. New config
file is required for this!
- Support adding new sponsored members created from CSV
to selected groups or newly created group.
- Delete destination once its removed from
the last facility/service.
- Use insert/delete returning for VO.
- Updated OpenAPI generator version.
- Added getAssignedResourcesByAssignedService().
- Added getRichMembersByIds().
- Fixed getRichUsersFromListOfUsers().
- New attribute module for UUID in reseracher-acces namespace.
- Fixed re-scheduling of WAITING tasks.
- Auditlogger for Kibana now stores whole message, including
timestamp and original actor.
- Added UUID to CLI definition for User and RichUser.