Changelog (since 3.2.0)
Gather IdP and IdPs organzation name attributes.
Fixed comparison of TaskSchedule improves service provisioning planning.
Fixed JSON deserialization of RichMember when synchronizing two perun instances.
Upgrade to Spring 5.1
Hide create VO button in GUI is configured for specific instance.
Auto-create member:def:organization attribute.
Check input length of user titles.
Allow Facility deletion, even when blocked service exists.
Move VOMS group names and roles attributes into group-resource like attributes.
Fixed selecting UserExtSource attributes by their names.
Smart sort hostnames in GUI (hosts, destinations, task results).
Perun admin can switch between type of users: sponsored, service and normal users.
Initial support for new ways of auditing (each message is an object, stored as simple json in new table).
Support for custom template of notification send to user to reset password (by vo manager).
Registration module for eduTEAMS nickname.
Gather also isCesnetElegibleLastSeen attribute and use it in registration modules for Metacentrum and DU.
Updated BBMRI registration module.
Support for foreign proxies (show original identity IdP names) in registrar and profile.
Allow un/blocking all services on facility/destination.
Support for SCIM protocol in API.
Fixed compatibility with Java 11.
Fixed running test on current Debian (broken OpenJDK).
Fixed overall log levels.
Add error message to listing of TaskResults for destination in CLI.
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