Releases: CESNET/perun
Releases · CESNET/perun
21.0.0 (2023-01-16)
Bug Fixes
- cli: fixed warning displayed on VSUP instance (0a84bb9)
- core: fixed a bug where the first day of grace period was not counted as grace period when extending membership (4c0b884)
- core: fixed logging to auditer log when removing attributes (cc6c046)
- dep: fixed JsonFactory for newer version of google-api-services-admin-director (0476503)
- deps: update dependency to directory_v1-rev20230103-2.0.0 (65a0aa8)
- deps: update dependency io.swagger:swagger-annotations to v1.6.9 (5896212)
- deps: update dependency org.jboss.javaee:jboss-jms-api to v1.1.0.20070913080910 (b81f697)
- deps: update dependency org.json:json to v20220924 (ab5dfcc)
- deps: update dependency org.openapitools:jackson-databind-nullable to v0.2.4 (465429e)
- deps: update gwtversion to v2.10.0 (f291744)
- gui: do not build GUI for IE10+ (b379bf1)
- openapi: fixed extra comma in removeUserExtSources (2811fca)
- openapi: fixed link in perun-openapi/README (380ba96)
- python-cli: fix MFA checking after new login (54c6a70)
- registrar: trim bulk invite csv values (c3b3529)
- cli: script for fixing member's quotas (79cad3f)
- core: add language param to createSponsoredMember and createSponsoredMembersFromCSV (8cf6d52)
- core: add new login namespace admin-meta (a722c6a)
- core: application view preferences (cb30e68)
- core: bulk method for removing service from multiple resource (2b974ea)
- core: bulk methods for deleteTaskResultById, addExtSource and removeExtSource (ecb4b82)
- core: bulk methods for removeSponsor, sponsorMember, removeUserExtSource, removeResourceTagFromResource, assignResourceTagToResource (83a96b4)
- core: bulk methods in CnsentsManager and ServicesManager (f09fff3)
- core: bulk operation (fcae76e)
- core: earliest active last access attribute (838284a)
- core: filter out outdated user IdP extsource's attributes (194e43a)
- core: getGroupDirectMembersCount method (23ce6b6)
- core: new attribute module for optional login in MU namespace (b5d81a6)
- core: new method copyMembers (2e6412d)
- core: new role for password reset added (d4ffc25)
- mvn: updated to Spring Boot 2.7.7 (f7dbf80)
- openapi: changed default server in openapi.yml to (bcf5255)
- openapi: methods for bulk set role operation added to openapi (d305b26)
- python-cli: made Python CLI compatible with Python 3.9 (09a4095)
- core: updated ldap scheme
20.0.0 (2022-12-09)
Bug Fixes
- core: check password strength in right order (3583f73)
- core: correctly set default date to BanOnVo/Resource/Facility when the 'validityTo' attribute is null (6130d83)
- core: fixed authorization in getAssignedGroups(resource,member) (2b42915)
- core: fixed search for publications in OBD from ZČU (7f4e0de)
- core: remove duplicate combinations of facility-service-destinations, while assuring other duplicates won't happen (8dd98d4)
- gui: removed hardcoded shongo login namespace (c19b350)
- openapi: EnrichedBanOnResource ban name (ea68284)
- openapi: Fix getBansForResource param name (651b62a)
- registrar: unable members without expiration to submit extension app (91c273a)
- core: add virt attribute isBanned for Facility (af4437c)
- core: Anonymization attribute created (ab0a72f)
- core: Enriched bans on facility (d76b5bb)
- core: Enriched Bans On Vo (f321d00)
- core: filter audit messages by event type (e575a67)
- core: make roles receiving notifications configurable (dfefbfd)
- core: perform some password strength checks locally for mu (25a7952)
- core: return enriched bans on resource (31369dd)
- core: update ban on Vo (527b998)
- extended the getPerunOidcConfig method to be able to return one of multiple stored OidConfigs + extended the CLI script (e677f96)
- mvn: updated Spring Boot to 2.7.6 (9558636)
- python-cli: added MFA support to python CLI (0fd3a7b)
- python-cli: python CLI reimplemented to support OIDC (74770d8)
- python-cli: separated rpc and cli in python (a2e2531)
- registrar: allow bulk invitations (bc15a2e)
- core: db update
- changes to perun-oidc-config.yml config file
- core: db update
19.0.0 (2022-11-04)
Bug Fixes
- cli: default OIDC config message fix (21ac217)
- cli: fixed printing help for reloadAppsConfig tool (6e18883)
- core: fix createGroupUnion sql exception (bdf41f5)
- core: fix getMessagesByIdAndCount (aa281f8)
- core: fixed ssh keys validation for keys with prefix (64b5e71)
- core: support mu password manager on test instance (05311cb)
- registrar: check form items on update (2bab3ee)
- registrar: fix duplicate notifications (2023cb6)
- Add method to get OIDC config for Perun instance + CLi script to call this method (3b54dec)
- added support for securityText attribute (eb7ff3a)
- cabinet: rights changed for getAuthorsByPublicationId method (7da850b)
- cli: revokeOidc fallback (06d0561)
- core: add ConsentStatus to UsersPageQuery (2c861a5)
- core: allow self to call get all entities (b0d38a7)
- core: Default minimum password length set to 8 characters (c6835da)
- core: exact match user attribute list/map values (d710e8b)
- core: getAllResources method (6888a17)
- core: Role display name (4cf8b84)
- core: status indirect urn (806073b)
- core: support branding between new and old GUI (f947e7a)
- make find_group_inconsistencies script use user IDS to work better with hierarchical Vos (f282594)
- mvn: upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7.5 (457024f)
- openapi: (Un)set role for user or group (f4326ff)
- registrar: added ApplicationNotNewException (f96c1c9)
- core: New brand properties in perun-apps-config.yml, deprecated newAdminGuiAlert in moved to perun-apps-config and can be branded
- registrar: update DB
18.0.0 (2022-10-11)
Bug Fixes
- add MFA role to perun-roles (d9eed41)
- core: allow LDAPc and Auditlogger to start from message 0 (c7d2821)
- core: fixed searching for candidates without VO (9bd513f)
- core: log audit message when anonymizing user (78b7fd7)
- core: move suspendTasksPropagation policy (8e259e2)
- extend group inconsistencies script to search both ways (3006a5c)
- openapi: facility description can be null (1d292ad)
- openapi: group is now nullable (1295145)
- renew principal when access token changes (a3162ab)
- cli: resolve MFA exception for command line tools (82ca557)
- cli: scripts for critical attribute actions (d8bb89a)
- core: add MFA role to principal roles (4fee227)
- core: add mfaCriticalObject attributes when initializing Perun (17fc7c6)
- core: add new GROUPMEMBERSHIPMANAGER role (b1b9826)
- core: add read privileges to mfaCriticalObject attribute (8cead11)
- core: added documentation for perun_roles_management in perun-roles.yml (5045b6e)
- core: added keepMemberStatus attribute (f2b11c6)
- core: check invalid roles combination for MFA (7d2bd92)
- core: check MFA for attributes (033ecc1)
- core: check MFA for roles always requiring it (c32fdca)
- core: check MFA rules (9d48664)
- core: critical operations in GroupsManager (b559351)
- core: critical operations in UsersManager (6e869fe)
- core: extended LDAP schema with serviceName for facility (e351582)
- core: flag critical actions on attributes (4e8d49e)
- core: mark critical methods in Attributes, AuditMessages and AuthzResolver managers (7e1a8ee)
- core: mark critical operations in FacilitiesManager (a948f64)
- core: mark critical operations in Members Manager (fc15464)
- core: MFA rules added for Security Teams, Services a Tasks Managers (7eb7b36)
- core: new method getFacilitiesByAttributeWithAttributes (5c96f76)
- core: notification language check (f5b71ec)
- core: push new attributes to LDAP (698e1e1)
- core: recheck Mfa before throwing exception (db836ca)
- core: refresh mfa (abd1b95)
- core: removed global MFA rules (2d30c96)
- core: renamed system_role (68f803d)
- core: resolve MFA for un/setting role (9cc30b4)
- core: resolve MFA in FacilitiesManager (9cc9d6a)
- core: resolve MFA in GroupsManager (00ef708)
- core: resolve MFA in MembersManager (af9edb2)
- core: resolve MFA in RegistrarManager, MailManager (d2d27a5)
- core: resolve MFA in ResourcesManager (b01eccf)
- core: resolve MFA in UsersManager (3358d1e)
- core: resolve MFA in VosManager (fddaa59)
- core: system role and mfa tags added to perun-roles.yml and code to load then into objects (19d1232)
- core: update application data shortname if application form item changes shortname (8ba6216)
- critical operations in Registrar, Mail, Notif, Consent managers (cbcc438)
- mvn: upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7.4 / Spring 5.3.23 (be8b2cd)
- openapi: groupsManager getParentGroup implemented (f43b988)
- core: running db script required for Groupmembershipmanager role to work
- core: extended perun-roles.yml with property assignment_check for roles
- core: update db
- core: LDAP schema update