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  • startmpvote starts a mapvote
  • stopmapvote stops a mapvote
  • mapvote_migrate_playcounts migrates adds mapvote/playcount.txt data to playcounts in database, this will add to existing play counts not overwrite them.


Using the in game configuration menu

Type mapvote_config in console, you can edit most config settings in this menu. Note: MapPrefixes can currently not be edited in the settings menu

Pressing the Open Map Config button will allow you to set overrides for enabling/disabling maps. Pressing clear will delete the override so inclusion of the map can be decided by MapPrefixe or other methods.


  • Create a file at lua/mapvote/client/plugins/mystyle.lua
  • You can update colors and other style configuration by merging new values into the existing style table Example:
table.Merge(, {
    colorPrimaryBG = Color( 30, 30, 46 ),
    colorSecondaryBG = Color( 49, 50, 68 ),

Integrating other addons with MapVote

Plugins directory

You can create file in lua/mapvote/client/plugins and lua/mapvote/server/plugins these files will be loaded after the main mapvote modules have been loaded

Usable Hooks

Name description args realm
MapVote_IsMapAllowed Called to determine if a map is allowed, return true/false to allow/disallow a map map server
MapVote_VoteFinished Called when a vote is finished serverside results server
MapVote_ChangeMap Called just before mapvote changes the map, return false to skip map server
MapVote_VoteMultiplier Called when a vote is finished serverside, return vote multiplier ply server
MapVote_RTVStart Called when the vote has been rocked, return false to prevent map vote starting server
MapVote_Loaded Called when all lua files for mapvote have been loaded shared
MapVote_VotePanelOpened Called when the vote panel is shown client
MapVote_VotePanelClosed Called when the vote panel is hidden client


lets you vote on maps






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