IDE: Android Studio
Application Architecture: MVVM
( Home Fragment , SearchFragment , SavedFragment and Item Details )
(1).Home fragment: shows all the latest news obtained from The users can swipe right to save the news for a later read, swipe left to discard the news. It can also be achieved by using the thumb up and thumb down buttons instead of swiping gestures.
(2).Search fragment: type key words to search for news.
(3).Save fragment: displays all the news that the user has liked/swiped right/thumbed up.
Users are able to click on the heart icon to unlike/unsave the news, scroll up and down of the saved news
(4).Item details fragment: click on the news image tiles to read the details of the news
Designed the News app based on Google Component Architectural MVVM Pattern
Implemented the bottom bar & page navigation using JetPack navigation component
Utilized 3rd party CardStackView(RecyclerView) to support swipe gestures for liking/disliking the news
Built the Room Database with LiveData & ViewModel to support local cache and offline model
Integrated Retrofit and LiveData to pull the latest news data from a RESTFUL endpoint (