This effort was born out of 2020 Workshop on COVID-19 Ontologies (WCO-2020).
Seven ontologies (6 groups) are part of this effort.
Led by Dr. Oliver He from University of Michigan. CIDO is an BFO based IDO(Infectious Disease Ontology) extension ontology. It reuses multiple OBO foundry ontologies to cover the biological mechinsm, diagnostics, vaccines and drug repurposing for COVID-19
Developed in Japan RIKN by Dr. Yuki Yamagata focused on the homeostasis imbalance between virus and innate immune defence from cellular to organ level processes.
Led by John Beverley from Northwest University in Chicago. It is an IDO extension to cover virus infection.
Led by John Beverley from Northwest University in Chicago. It is an VIDO extension to cover virus infection.
A controlled Vocabulary for COVID-19 data portal in EBI led by Zoe Pendlington and Paola Roncaglia.
Dr. Biswanath Dutta developed the CODO to collect and perform COVID-19 data in India to answer epidemiological research questions.
Develepd by Leigh Carmody at Jackson lab to provide a structured vocabularay for medical procedures, interventions and so on.
- covid19-epidemiology-ontology (CEMO)
- Genomic Epidemiology Ontology (GenEpiO)
- COVID-19 Ontology