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Laura Pérez-Molina edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 40 revisions

Welcome to the CYTHON_TOOLS wiki!

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$\Large{\textbf{CYTHON TOOLS}}$

$\large{\textbf{R. Alvarez, A. de la Torre, L. Perez, S. Manthey}} $

Table of Contents

Download documentation_v0 in pdf


This is a python library to process and analyze raw data from the IR02 laboratory.

We want:

  • Classless structure, dictionaries hold all the run/ch information + the waveforms.
  • To avoid as much overcalculation as possible, in particular:
    • Calculate pedestal/charge/time values all at once and store them separately from the raw data
    • Prevent excessive memory usage when dealing with multiple runs.

We $\textcolor{red}{DON'T}$ want:

  • Complicated hierarchies
  • Commented/uncommented lines with the same code but different runs/configs

The idea is that all the functions used are compatible between them and moreover, that the obtained output is suitable to be used with all the functions. The objectives of the library are scheduled as follow:


  1. Study the detector
    • GAIN → Calibration → {CUTS + GAUSSIAN FITS}
    • Data analysis (RAW processing)
    • Characterization → Effective fits, X-talk…
  2. Physics studies
    • Signal deconvolution
    • Physics fits
    • MC simulations
  3. Electronics studies


For a quick summary or just as a reminder follow the next steps:

1.- Clone the repository:

   (sudo app install git)
   git clone 
   code .

2.- Install python3 and pip3:

   sudo apt update
   sudo apt install python3-pip

3.- Install the packages needed for the library to run:

   cd scripts

4.- Have a look on the tutorial and templates folders to see how to visualize data and run the macros:

   cd 00Tutorial
   juptyer notebook Tutorial.ipynb

Whenever you are done with the tutorial and you want to perform your analysis (please!) move to the macros and notebooks folders. This will allow us to keep the tutorial and templates folders as a reference for begginers.

You can also create an scratch folder to test your files locally without adding them to the .

5.- Run the macros:

   cd ../macros
   python3 InputFile


💡 To update the repository you have cloned you can run the following commands in a terminal:

git status #You will obtained the files you have changed or created. You can choose to add them (commit them) or ignore them (checkout)

git fetch #Updates the working tree with the repository in GitHub

git pull #Dowloads the updates to your local copy

More commands and info in the web (git-cheat_sheet)

Clone this wiki locally