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SHRIMP: Sub WtdAvCorr
[The following is a generalised function, used and reused by SQUID 2.50 on at least a couple of different occasions during a 'typical' data-reduction. As such, the inputs and outputs of the functions have generalised names. The identities of the specific inputs and outputs are defined when the function is called.]
The function calculates the weighted average of a single variable, where the errors of index-adjacent values are correlated. This calculation requires a variance-covariance matrix, which can either by defined as an input, or constructed from an input sigma-rho matrix, as required.
WtdAvCorr(Values, VarCov, N, MeanVal, MeanValSigma, MSWD, Prob, SigRho, Bad)
Values: Vector of length N containing values of a single variable, for which the errors of index-adjacent values are correlated.
VarCov: Array of size N x N defining EITHER the variance-covariance matrix OR the sigma-rho matrix associated with Values.
N: Integer defining the number of data-points submitted to the calculation.
MeanVal: The error-weighted mean of Values.
MeanValSigma: The 1-sigma absolute error of the MeanVal.
MSWD: The classically calculated Mean Square of Weighted Deviates associated with the MeanVal.
Prob: The classically calculated probability of fit associated with the MSWD and (N - 1) degrees of freedom.
SigRho: Boolean, specifying whether the input VarCov array is a sigma-rho matrix (TRUE) or a variance-covariance matrix (FALSE).
Bad: Boolean for the purpose of error-trapping during calculations. Bad = False at the start of the Sub, but is switched to True if errors are encountered during the calculations.
Values of type Boolean
Bad, SigRho
Values of type Integer
i, j, N
Values of type Double
MeanVal, MeanValSigma, MSWD, Prob, Numer, Denom, OmI, OMij,
Variables of type Variant (produced by matrix transposition/multiplication operations)
Omega, SumWtdResids, TransUnwtdResids, TempMat
Arrays of size N x 1 (addressed [1 to N, 1 to 1] ) comprising values of type Double
Arrays of size N x N (addressed [1 to N, 1 to N] ) comprising values of type Double
The first step is to construct the variance-covariance matrix. If the input VarCov is a variance-covariance matrix, its elements are written directly to OmegaInv. If the input VarCov is a sigma-rho matrix, the sigmas and rhos are converted to variances and covariances before writing to Omega Inv:
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To N
If SigRho = False
OmI = VarCov[i, j]
ElseIf i = j --convert sigmas to variances
OmI = VarCov[i, i] ^ 2
Else --convert rhos to covariances
OmI = VarCov[i, j] * VarCov[j, j] * VarCov[i, i]
End If
OmegaInv[i, j] = OmI
Next j
Next i
Omega is generated by inverting the matrix OmegaInv. Ludwig does this using Excel's MINVERSE function, which has apparently been implemented accurately, and presumably there is only one way to invert a matrix...
Omega = MINVERSE(OmegaInv)
Use the elements of Omega to calculate the sums for Numer and Denom:
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To N
If N > 1 --because if N = 1 the matrix inverse has only one dimension
OMij = Omega[i, j]
OMij = Omega[1]
End If
Numer = Numer + (Values[i] + Values[j]) * OMij
Denom = Denom + OMij
Next j
Next i
Denominator error-trapping, evaluation of MeanVal and MeanValSigma, and generation of row-vector UnwtdResids for the purpose of calculating MSWD and Prob:
If Denom <= 0
Exit Sub
End If
MeanVal = Numer / Denom / 2
MeanValSigma = sqrt(1 / Denom)
For i = 1 To N
UnwtdResids[i, 1] = Values[i] - MeanVal
Next i
TransUnwtdResids, TempMat, and SumWtdResids are generated from Omega via matrix transposition and multiplication operations. Ludwig used the TRANSPOSE and MMULT functions implemented in Excel, and the Excel function FDIST to calculate Prob:
TransUnwtdResids = TRANSPOSE(UnwtdResids)
TempMat = MMULT(TransUnwtdResids, Omega)
SumWtdResids = MMULT(TempMat, UnwtdResids)
If N = 1 --added "If N = 1" part to avoid divide-by-zero
MSWD = 0
Prob = 0
MSWD = SumWtdResids[1] / (N - 1)
Prob = FDIST(MSWD, (N - 1), 1E+9)
End If
End Sub