The CISSTM Satellite (Version 2), this is our satellite created using Python (and possibly a bit of C). Our satellite is capable of getting the distance of an object using the RSSI and the light speed.
Download the project
git clone
cd SatelliteV2
Firstly, install pip3 (the Python package manager).
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install python3-pip
Then install the requirements.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If there's a permission error, then you could use:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the satellite software by using:
python3 src/
We've build our satellite using these components:
- Raspberry Pi Zero WH
- APC220 (should work with any serial 433 sender)
- BMP280
- BNO055
- DS1307 (for getting accurate time, not used with python, but connected to raspbian directly)
- RF69HCW (for localizing efforts)