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Use Cases (4, 5, 6)

DevinDai13 edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 23 revisions
  • This page is for describing (using detailed textual use cases) the tasks for using the application.
  • This page presents use case for Searching, Patients assigned and Care provider.

4. Searching

  • As a patient or care provider, I want to specify a set of keywords, and search for all problems or records that contains all the keywords.
ID 4.1
Name Search records based on keywords
Actor(s) patient, care provider
Description Both Patient and care providers
can use keywords to search
through all records
User Story US 04.01.01
Trigger The user chooses to search by keywords
Precondition The user enters keywords
Postcondition The corresponding results are displayed
Basic Flow 1. The user can enter keywords in search bar
2. The User chooses to search
3. Screen returns a list of all records/problems containing the keywords
Exception Message if no results are found

  • As a patient or care provider, I want to specify a set of keywords, and search for all problems or records that are near a particular Geo-location.
ID 4.2
Name Search records based on geo-location
Actor(s) patient, care provider
Description Both Patient and care providers
can geo-location to search
through all records
User Story US 04.02.01
Trigger The user chooses to search by geo-location
Precondition The user selects geo-location
Postcondition The corresponding results are displayed
Basic Flow 1. The user chooses Geo-location for searching
2. Screen returns a list of all records/problems near that geo-location
Exception Message if no results are found

  • As a patient or care provider, I want to specify a set of keywords, and search for all problems or records that are near a particular body-location.
ID 4.3
Name Search records based on body-location
Actor(s) patient, care provider
Description Both Patient and care providers
can body-location to search
through all records
User Story US 04.03.01
Trigger The user chooses to search by body-location
Precondition The user selects body-location
Postcondition The corresponding results are displayed
Basic Flow 1. The user chooses body-location for searching
2. Screen returns a list of all records/problems near that body-location
Exception Message if no results are found

5. Patient Assigned

  • As a care provider, I want to view a list of patients I am assigned to.
ID 5.1
Name View patients
Actor(s) Care provider
Description The user can view the list of patients assigned
to him/her.
User Story 06.01.01
Trigger The care provider wishes to see the list of patients
Precondition The user is a care provider
Postcondition The list of patients is displayed
Basic Flow The list view of patients will displayed on the main page
for care providers
Exception None

6. Care Provider

  • As a care provider, I want to add patients that I am assigned to.
ID 6.1
Name Add patients
Actor(s) Care provider
Description The user can add patients assigned to him/her.
User Story 07.01.01
Trigger The user chooses to add patients
Precondition The user is a care provider
Postcondition The App updates the data of patients
Basic Flow 1. The user chooses to add patients that are assigned to him/her
2. The choice takes the use to another page
3. The use can then select from a list of available patients
Exception None

  • As a care provider, I want to want to browse my patients problems.
ID 6.2
Name Browse problems
Actor(s) Care provider
Description The user can browse all of patients' problems.
User Story 07.01.02
Trigger The user chooses to browse patient's problems
Precondition The use is a care provider
Postcondition The problems are displayed
Basic Flow 1. The user chooses the patient's name
2. The choice takes the user to another page
3. The new page displays a list of the selected patient's records/problems
Exception None

  • As a care provider, I want to add comment records to my patients' problems
ID 6.3
Name Add comments
Actor(s) Care provider
Description The user can add comments to records of his/her patient.
User Story 07.01.03
Trigger The user chooses to make a comment on the patients' problems
Precondition The use is a care provider
Postcondition The App stores the updated comments from user
Basic Flow 1. The user chooses the patient's name
2. The click takes the user to another page
3. The new page displays a list of the selected patient's records/problems
4. The user then chooses a record/problem
5. The choice takes the user to the detailed record page
6. The user chooses to add comments
Exception None

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