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How to Run Load and Regression Locust Tests

Logan Mitchell edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 7 revisions

How to Run the Regression and Load Test Suites

Follow this runbook to run the regression and load test suites either locally or against a particular BFD Server host.

Note that these steps are for running locust locally; this is not usually necessary, as we have a Jenkins job for running both the server load and regression suites:

Using the tag parameter, tests can be included or excluded to create a desired suite. Adjusting the parameters here can be used to tune the test to the usecase desired. (Excluding tags will run against all test cases.)

Note that when using the above jobs, it's a good idea to build the image for them first to capture any changes since the last build. This is not done automatically as part of the Jenkins run job:

If you still want/need to run locust locally (say for development purposes or watching the runtime) follow the instructions below:


Term Definition
Locust A load testing library that allows for performance tests to be written in Python


I specified --host with a valid URL like so, but my tests aren't running. What am I doing wrong?

Firstly, --host is a default Locust argument that is a bit of a misnomer; valid --host values must include the protocol (i.e. https), hostname (i.e. and, optionally, the port in the following format: PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME:PORT. Be aware that Locust does not trim trailing slashes after the PORT; however, we have implemented a check for trailing slashes in --host and remove them ourselves. So, it is recommended that --host does not include any trailing characters after PORT as well.


  • A global installation of Python 3
  • An installation of the AWS CLI that is configured properly for access to the BFD/CMS AWS account
  • An installation of jq
  • A tool for creating virtual environments (virtualenvs) such as virtualenv or pew
    • This runbook will assume you are using pew as it is fairly simple to work with and has a relatively intuitive UX
  • Access to AWS
  • Access to the CMS VPN


Note: This runbook assumes you have cloned the beneficiary-fhir-data repository locally and are relatively comfortable with the command-line (CLI).

How to Run the Regression Suite Locally Against a Local BFD Server

Note: These steps assume you have followed the top-level's steps for running BFD locally (including running the database using PostgreSQL in Docker).

Additionally, it is highly recommended to read the entirety of the locust_test before continuing.

  1. Navigate to the root of the beneficiary-fhir-data repository in any terminal application

  2. From the root of the beneficiary-fhir-data repository, set BFD_ROOT to the current working directory:

  3. Navigate to apps/utils/locust_tests:

    cd $BFD_ROOT/apps/utils/locust_tests
  4. If not already created, create a new virtual environment for locust_tests:

    pew new -p 3.8 -a . -r requirements.txt py3.8__locust_tests
    1. This will create a new virtual environment using Python 3.8 named py3.8__locust_tests and will automatically install the necessary Python dependencies to run the various Locust test suites in the locust_tests directory. It will also associate this new virtual environment to the $BFD_ROOT/apps/utils/locust_tests directory
  5. Open a new subshell that uses the py3.8__locust_tests virtual environment:

    pew workon py3.8__locust_tests
  6. Set CLIENT_CERT_PATH to the unsecured certificate available in the repository:

  7. Set DATABASE_CONSTR to the database connection string pointing to your locally running PostgreSQL instance:

    1. Running the above command assumes you have followed the's "Native Setup" section and are running your local PostgreSQL instance in a Docker container with the defaults provided in that section. If you are not, you will need to change the connection string above to point to your local BFD database instance
  8. Run the Locust tests using locust. Replace <NUM_USERS> with the number of simulated users (amount of load) to run with, <SPAWN_RATE> with the rate at which you would like the simulated users to spawn per-second, and <RUNTIME> with the amount of time you would like to run the performance tests for once all users have spawned (you can specify runtime like "10m30s" or "30s"):

    locust -f v2/ \
      --users=<NUM_USERS> \
      --host="localhost:$BFD_PORT" \
      --spawn-rate=<SPAWN_RATE> \
      --spawned-runtime="<RUNTIME>" \
      --client-cert-path="$CLIENT_CERT_PATH" \
  9. Once the regression tests have ended, Locust will print a summary table with the performance statistics of the previous run for each endpoint as well as an aggregated total of all endpoint performance

How to Run the Regression Suite Locally Against any BFD Server SDLC Environment

Note: These steps assume you will be testing against the TEST environment, but you are able to test against all SDLC environments following these instructions.

Additionally, it is highly recommended to read the entirety of the locust_test before continuing.

  1. Set BFD_ENV to the environment you want to test:

    1. Other valid values are "prod-sbx" and "prod", however it is unlikely you will need to run the regression suite manually against environments other than TEST
  2. Navigate to the root of the beneficiary-fhir-data repository in any terminal application

  3. From the root of the beneficiary-fhir-data repository, set BFD_ROOT to the current working directory:

  4. Navigate to apps/utils/locust_tests:

    cd $BFD_ROOT/apps/utils/locust_tests
  5. If not already created, create a new virtual environment for locust_tests:

    pew new -p 3.8 -a . -r requirements.txt py3.8__locust_tests
    1. This will create a new virtual environment using Python 3.8 named py3.8__locust_tests and will automatically install the necessary Python dependencies to run the various Locust test suites in the locust_tests directory. It will also associate this new virtual environment to the $BFD_ROOT/apps/utils/locust_tests directory
  6. Open a new subshell that uses the py3.8__locust_tests virtual environment:

    pew workon py3.8__locust_tests
  7. Ensure your AWS credentials are valid

  8. Ensure you are connected to the CMS VPN

  9. Download and decrypt the testing certificate from SSM and store it to a local file:

    aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/test_client_key" \
       --region "us-east-1" \
       --with-decryption | jq -r '.Parameter.Value' > $HOME/bfd-test-cert.pem
    aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/test_client_cert" \
       --region "us-east-1" \
       --with-decryption | jq -r '.Parameter.Value' >> $HOME/bfd-test-cert.pem
    1. Running the above commands assume you have appropriate permissions to read and decrypt sensitive SSM parameters in the environment under test
  10. Set CLIENT_CERT_PATH to the downloaded testing certificate from the previous step:

  11. Set DATABASE_CONSTR to the database connection string for the reader endpoint of the environment under test:

    DB_CLUSTER_ID=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/common/nonsensitive/rds_cluster_identifier" \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.Parameter.Value')
    DB_USERNAME=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/data_server_db_username" \
                     --with-decryption \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.Parameter.Value')
    DB_RAW_PASSWORD=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/data_server_db_password" \
                     --with-decryption \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.Parameter.Value')
    DB_PASSWORD=$(printf %s "$DB_RAW_PASSWORD" | jq -sRr @uri)
    DB_READER_URI=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters --db-cluster-identifier "$DB_CLUSTER_ID" \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.DBClusters[0].ReaderEndpoint')
    1. Running the above commands assume you have appropriate permissions to read and decrypt sensitive SSM parameters in the environment under test
  12. Run the Locust tests using locust. Replace <NUM_USERS> with the number of simulated users (amount of load) to run with, <SPAWN_RATE> with the rate at which you would like the simulated users to spawn per-second, and <RUNTIME> with the amount of time you would like to run the performance tests for once all users have spawned (you can specify runtime like "10m30s" or "30s"):

    locust -f v2/ \
      --users=<NUM_USERS> \
      --host="https://$" \
      --spawn-rate=<SPAWN_RATE> \
      --spawned-runtime="<RUNTIME>" \
      --client-cert-path="$CLIENT_CERT_PATH" \
    1. Note that --host can be anything (including the IP address of another instance that you would like to target specifically). However, if you are targeting a particular environment, you should stick with only testing instances under that environment (or the default provided here)
  13. Once the regression tests have ended, Locust will print a summary table with the performance statistics of the previous run for each endpoint as well as an aggregated total of all endpoint performance

  14. Delete the bfd-test-cert.pem:


How to Run the Regression Suite On a Detached Instance Against any BFD Server SDLC Environment

Note: These steps assume you will be testing against the TEST environment, but you are able to test against all SDLC environments following these instructions.

Additionally, it is highly recommended to read the entirety of the locust_test before continuing.

  1. First, detach an instance from the desired environment under test's auto-scaling group:

    1. Go to the AWS website and sign-in
    2. Click Services > EC2
    3. Click Auto scaling groups
    4. Click an active group corresponding to the desired environment under test within this list
      1. I.e. if TEST is the desired environment, click on bfd-test-fhir...
    5. In the Details area below the node you clicked, click the Instance Management tab
    6. Pick one of the instances here using the checkbox on the left
    7. In the actions dropdown, click Detach
    8. In the popup, check the Add a new instance to the Auto Scaling group to balance the load checkbox to add a new instance in its place
    9. Confirm the detachment by clicking Detach instance
    10. In the list, the detached instance will still exist in the group; open the detached instance in a new tab to keep track of it
    11. Go to Services > EC2 and click Instances
    12. Find the detached instance by comparing its ID in the tab you opened against the ID in the list
    13. Click the Edit button near the ID of the detached instance and rename it something that indicates your name so the instance is marked as yours for others information
    14. Click on the newly-created Instance ID to open a details page
    15. Copy the private IP address from "Private IPv4 addresses"
  2. Ensure you are connected to the CMS VPN

  3. SSH into the detached instance using the private IP address copied from the previous step:

  4. Become the root user on the detached instance:

    sudo su
    1. As the root user you are able to do many dangerous things, especially if you are connected to a detached instance from PROD-SBX or PROD. Be very careful while logged-in as the root user!
  5. Set BFD_ENV to the environment under test:

  6. Navigate to the root of the beneficiary-fhir-data repository in any terminal application

    1. For detached instances, this will be at /beneficiary-fhir-data
  7. From the root of the beneficiary-fhir-data repository, set BFD_ROOT to the current working directory:

  8. Navigate to apps/utils/locust_tests:

    cd $BFD_ROOT/apps/utils/locust_tests
  9. Install the Python dependencies necessary to run the regression suite:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    1. The instance comes with an installation of Python 3, and since we will be destroying the instance after running the regression suite we do not need to use virtual environments
  10. Download and decrypt the testing certificate from SSM and store it to a local file:

    aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/test_client_key" \
       --region "us-east-1" \
       --with-decryption | jq -r '.Parameter.Value' > $BFD_ROOT/bfd-test-cert.pem
    aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/test_client_cert" \
       --region "us-east-1" \
       --with-decryption | jq -r '.Parameter.Value' >> $BFD_ROOT/bfd-test-cert.pem
  11. Running the above commands assume you have appropriate permissions to read and decrypt sensitive SSM parameters in the environment under test

  12. Set CLIENT_CERT_PATH to the testing certificate from the previous step:

  13. Set DATABASE_CONSTR to the database connection string for the reader endpoint of the environment under test:

    DB_CLUSTER_ID=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/common/nonsensitive/rds_cluster_identifier" \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.Parameter.Value')
    DB_USERNAME=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/data_server_db_username" \
                     --with-decryption \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.Parameter.Value')
    DB_RAW_PASSWORD=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name "/bfd/$BFD_ENV/server/sensitive/data_server_db_password" \
                     --with-decryption \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.Parameter.Value')
    DB_PASSWORD=$(printf %s "$DB_RAW_PASSWORD" | jq -sRr @uri)
    DB_READER_URI=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters --db-cluster-identifier "$DB_CLUSTER_ID" \
                     --region "us-east-1" | jq -r '.DBClusters[0].ReaderEndpoint')
    1. Running the above commands assume you have appropriate permissions to read and decrypt sensitive SSM parameters in the environment under test
  14. Run the Locust tests using locust. Replace <NUM_USERS> with the number of simulated users (amount of load) to run with, <SPAWN_RATE> with the rate at which you would like the simulated users to spawn per-second, and <RUNTIME> with the amount of time you would like to run the performance tests for once all users have spawned (you can specify runtime like "10m30s" or "30s"):

    locust -f v2/ \
      --users=<NUM_USERS> \
      --host="https://$" \
      --spawn-rate=<SPAWN_RATE> \
      --spawned-runtime="<RUNTIME>" \
      --client-cert-path="$CLIENT_CERT_PATH" \
    1. Note that --host can be anything (including the IP address of another instance that you would like to target specifically). However, if you are targeting a particular environment and have detached an instance from that environment's ASG, you should stick with only testing instances under that environment (or the default provided here)
  15. Once the regression tests have ended, Locust will print a summary table with the performance statistics of the previous run for each endpoint as well as an aggregated total of all endpoint performance

  16. Delete the bfd-test-cert.pem:

  17. In your web browser, navigate back to AWS and sign-in (if necessary)

  18. Navigate to Services > EC2

  19. Navigate to Instances in the navigation bar on the left side

  20. Find the detached instance by searching for its name or Instance ID

  21. Select the checkbox to the left of the name of the detached instance

  22. Click on the "Instance state" dropdown in the top right of the screen

  23. Select "Terminate instance" and accept any dialogs that appear

How to Run a Scaling Load Test Using the bfd-run-server-load Jenkins Job

  1. Ensure you are connected to the CMS VPN

  2. Navigate to the Jenkins CloudBees instance in your web browser and sign-in

  3. From the main page, select "bfd". A list of jobs should load

  4. From this list of jobs, click on "bfd-run-server-load". A new page should load showing the "Stage View" and a list of actions on the left side of the screen

  5. Click on "Build with Parameters" on the left side of the screen. A new page should load showing a variety of input fields

  6. Choose the desired SDLC environment to load test from the "ENVIRONMENT" dropdown list

  7. Adjust the default parameters according to the desired load test. For this particular case, it is assumed the desired load test is to continuously ramp-up load until a scaling event occurs and so the defaults can be used

  8. Click "Build" at the bottom of the page. The page from Step #4 should load again, however an in-progress build should appear in the "Build History" list on the left side of the screen

  9. Click on the build number of the in-progress build. A new page should load showing an overview of the current build

  10. Click on "Console Output" on the left side of the screen. A new page should load showing realtime log output from the job

  11. Monitor the log output until the following prompt appears in the output:

    Once the run is finished, click either Abort or Proceed to cleanup the test
    Proceed or Abort
  12. Scroll up in the log output and find the line starting with:

    aws_instance.this[0]: Creation complete after...
  13. Note the instance ID within square brackets -- use this later to follow the log output from the controller in CloudWatch

  14. In your web browser, navigate to AWS and sign-in (if necessary)

  15. Navigate to Services > CloudWatch

  16. Navigate to "Log groups" by clicking on the link in the navigation tree

  17. Search for "server-load-controller.log" and select the corresponding log group in the SDLC environment currently under test

  18. Refresh the log group until a log stream with the name of the instance ID noted down in Step 13 appears

  19. Open the log stream corresponding to the instance ID noted down in Step 13

  20. Monitor the log continuously by clicking "Resume" at the bottom of the log output. The log should automatically update in realtime as the load test runs. You may need to continuously scroll to view the log

  21. Wait until the load tests finish running. If at anytime something goes wrong, return to the running Jenkins job and click either the "Proceed" or "Abort" prompt in the log output to immediately end the test and start cleaning up

  22. Once Locust prints the summary table and has finished, indicated by the "Locust master process has stopped" message, return to the Jenkins job and click "Proceed". This will cleanup the test, destroying the controller instance and stopping any orphaned Lambda nodes

  23. View the stats of the run under the following log groups (the log stream corresponding to the current run will be named according to the instance ID noted down in Step 13). Note "{ENVIRONMENT}" should be replaced with the environment under test (i.e. "test"):

    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_exceptions.csv
    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_failures.csv
    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_stats.csv
    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_stats_history.csv

How to Run a Static Load Test Using the bfd-run-server-load Jenkins Job

  1. Ensure you are connected to the CMS VPN

  2. Navigate to the Jenkins CloudBees instance in your web browser and sign-in

  3. From the main page, select "bfd". A list of jobs should load

  4. From this list of jobs, click on "bfd-run-server-load". A new page should load showing the "Stage View" and a list of actions on the left side of the screen

  5. Click on "Build with Parameters" on the left side of the screen. A new page should load showing a variety of input fields

  6. Choose the desired SDLC environment to load test from the "ENVIRONMENT" dropdown list

  7. Adjust the default parameters according to the desired load test. For this particular case, the default values will need to be changed:

    1. Set LOCUST_TAGS to the space-delimited list of locust tasks to run if they are annotated with ANY of the given @tag(s). Will run all tasks if not given
    2. Set LOCUST_EXCLUDE_TAGS to the space-delimited list of locust tasks to exclude with ANY of the given @tag(s)
    3. Set INITIAL_WORKER_NODES to the number of worker nodes/Lambdas desired in total
    5. Set MAX_SPAWNED_USERS to the desired number of simulated users in total
    6. Note that a ratio of 10 simulated users to 1 worker node should be followed for best performance
    7. Set USER_SPAWN_RATE equal to MAX_SPAWNED_USERS if no ramp-up is desired
    8. Unselect STOP_ON_SCALING if the load test should not stop when a scaling event is encountered -- for a static test, this should probably be false
    9. Deselect STOP_ON_NODE_LIMIT to ensure that the load test does not end immediately due to the node limit being hit
  8. Click "Build" at the bottom of the page. The page from Step #4 should load again, however an in-progress build should appear in the "Build History" list on the left side of the screen

  9. Click on the build number of the in-progress build. A new page should load showing an overview of the current build

  10. Click on "Console Output" on the left side of the screen. A new page should load showing realtime log output from the job

  11. Monitor the log output until the following prompt appears in the output:

    Once the run is finished, click either Abort or Proceed to cleanup the test
    Proceed or Abort
  12. Scroll up in the log output and find the line starting with:

    aws_instance.this[0]: Creation complete after...
  13. Note the instance ID within square brackets -- use this later to follow the log output from the controller in CloudWatch

  14. In your web browser, navigate to AWS and sign-in (if necessary)

  15. Navigate to Services > CloudWatch

  16. Navigate to "Log groups" by clicking on the link in the navigation tree

  17. Search for "server-load-controller.log" and select the corresponding log group in the SDLC environment currently under test

  18. Refresh the log group until a log stream with the name of the instance ID noted down in Step 13 appears

  19. Open the log stream corresponding to the instance ID noted down in Step 13

  20. Monitor the log continuously by clicking "Resume" at the bottom of the log output. The log should automatically update in realtime as the load test runs. You may need to continuously scroll to view the log

  21. Wait until the load tests finish running. If at anytime something goes wrong, return to the running Jenkins job and click either the "Proceed" or "Abort" prompt in the log output to immediately end the test and start cleaning up

  22. Once Locust prints the summary table and has finished, indicated by the "Locust master process has stopped" message, return to the Jenkins job and click "Proceed". This will cleanup the test, destroying the controller instance and stopping any orphaned Lambda nodes

  23. View the stats of the run under the following log groups (the log stream corresponding to the current run will be named according to the instance ID noted down in Step 13). Note "{ENVIRONMENT}" should be replaced with the environment under test (i.e. "test"):

    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_exceptions.csv
    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_failures.csv
    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_stats.csv
    • /bfd/{ENVIRONMENT}/bfd-server-load/load_stats_history.csv
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