This repository contains automated analysis of the Finnish national bibliography, Fennica. Fennica includes bibliographic metadata for over 70,000 documents between 1488-1955, representing the publishing activity in Finland during that period. This is analyzed in parallel with Kungliga, a related collection of bibliographic metadata from the Swedish National library.
The data is summarized in the following automatically generated files:
- Fennica: a generic overview
- Fennica: a specific overview
- Presentation slide templates (PDF) and code
- A Quantitative Approach to Book Printing in Sweden and Finland, 1640–1828 Source code for the figures
- Knowledge production in Finland 1470-1828: Digital Humanities 2016 conference presentation slides (PDF) and code
- Figures and analyses for CCQ2019
The analyses cover several steps including XML parsing, data harmonization, removing unrecognized entries, enriching and organizing the data, carrying out statistical summaries, analysis, visualization and automated document generation.
The analyses and full source code are provided in this repository and can be freely reused under the BSD 2 clause (FreeBSD) open source licence. The analyses are based on R and rely on various R packages.
For original raw data, see National Library of Finland.
The project is under active open development.
- Issues and bug reports
- Pull requests (we will acknowledge contributions)
The project is collaboration between Helsinki Computational History Group (COMHIS) (University of Helsinki) and Turku Data Science Group (University of Turku).
Main contributors:
Special thanks:
- Finnish National library (Fennica data collection)
- VRK (Finnish population register) Finnish first name-gender mappings and demographic information
- Maanmittauslaitos Geographic information
- Tilastokeskus Demographic information
- Open Street Map Geographic information
- [Google Maps] Geographic information