Top down puzzle/adventure game developed in Unity
Visual Studio
- Links to the pages for the required software are down below.
- Unity - Compiler Game Engine
- Visual Studio - Code Editor
Finish Downloading both of the Software and install both applications on your machine depending on your operating system. If you Download Unity first Unity might start a download for Visual Studio.
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
or Download the Zip file to a location on your computer of your preference.
- After installing the software and downloaded or clone the repository open Unity.
- Unity interface and may ask you to create an account if you haven't before just create a Unity account. There will be different options of account to choose from Personal, Plus, Pro. Choose the right one for you. After that you will require verified your email. Once that's done it's time to look for the Unzipped folder of the Downloaded project, with the Open and browse to the folder and select.
- Unity will open the folder and load the main interface.
- Unity will have a main layout on the Assets section there will be scripts for all the components of the game.
- In the Assets there is also a folder the contains all of the Scenes of the game
- To compile the code from the main interface go to the top left of the window click
File -> Build Settings...
- This should bring the build settings make sure there are two scenes in the Scenes In Build in the order
Scenes/Level 1
Scenes/Level 2
Scenes/Level 3
- Click Build to build the game and select a location for the folders and the executable to be placed at and press Select Folder.
- Once Unity has finish building the game, look in the folder where you place the executable named Chasing the end.exe double click and should bring up Interface with a few options like resolution click Play! and Enjoy!!!