Annsh Agrawaal (aagraw26)
Sahil Gedam (sgedam2)
We will have a database containing the details of the students that have tested positive for COVID-19 on campus. We will manage the database by having the UIC of the student, CRN's of the classes attended by the student, if the student has campus housing has the student used the rec center, if the student is symptomatic and the quarantine period. If a student is tested positive we can contact the fellow classmates by accessing the CRN of the classes the student has attended. We can also notify campus housing and the rec center and advise them to sanitize the facilities. The system will have a web page to insert UIN and other details of the student, allowing us to gain information of the student. It will also help us report the incident to UI health. This system will be open source and we could not find such an application.