from on_off_detection import OnOffModel
import numpy as np
cluster_ids = [
trains_list = [
np.random.randint(0, 3600, 300), # 300 Spikes for cluster 1
np.random.randint(0, 3600, 300), # 300 Spikes for cluster 2
bouts_df = pd.DataFrame({
'start_time': [0, 3000],
'end_time': [2000, 3600],
'state': ["NREM", "NREM"],
}) # Cut and concatenate spikes within these bouts to do detection
bouts_df["duration"] = bouts_df["end_time"] - bouts_df["start_time"]
#### Threshold based method #######
on_off_method = 'threshold' # Implements: Zhe Chen, Sujith Vijayan, Riccardo Barbieri, Matthew A. Wilson, Emery N. Brown; Discrete- and Continuous-Time Probabilistic Models and Algorithms for Inferring Neuronal UP and DOWN States. Neural Comput 2009; 21 (7): 1797–1862. doi:
on_off_params = {
'binsize': 1,
'smooth_sd_counts': 3, # Units of binsize
'binsize_smoothed_count_hist': 0.02, #
'smooth_sd_smoothed_count_hist': 1, # Units of "binsize_smoothed_count_hist"
'binsize_duration_hist': 0.01, #
'count_threshold': None,
'gap_threshold': None,
#### HMM-EM ########
on_off_method = 'hmmem' # Implements: Zhe Chen, Sujith Vijayan, Riccardo Barbieri, Matthew A. Wilson, Emery N. Brown; Discrete- and Continuous-Time Probabilistic Models and Algorithms for Inferring Neuronal UP and DOWN States. Neural Comput 2009; 21 (7): 1797–1862. doi:
on_off_params = {
'binsize': 0.010, # (s) (Discrete algorithm)
'history_window_nbins': 3, # Size of history window IN BINS
'n_iter_EM': 200, # Number of iterations for EM
'n_iter_newton_ralphson': 100,
'init_A': np.array([[0.1, 0.9], [0.01, 0.99]]), # Initial transition probability matrix
'init_state_estimate_method': 'liberal', # Method to find inital OFF states to fit GLM model with. Ignored if init_mu/alphaa/betaa are specified. Either of 'conservative'/'liberal'/'intermediate'
'init_mu': None, # ~ OFF rate. Fitted to data if None
'init_alphaa': None, # ~ difference between ON and OFF rate. Fitted to data if None
'init_betaa': None, # ~ Weight of recent history firing rate. Fitted to data if None,
'gap_threshold': None, # Merge active states separated by less than gap_threhsold
model = OnOffModel(
on_off_df =
on_off_df = model.on_off_df # Pandas frame with 'state', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'duration' columns
from on_off_detection import SpatialOffModel
import numpy as np
cluster_ids = [
'1', '2', '3'
cluster_depths = [
1, 2, 3,
trains_list = [
np.random.randint(0, 3600, 300), # 300 Spikes for cluster 1
np.random.randint(0, 3600, 300), # 300 Spikes for cluster 1
np.random.randint(0, 3600, 300), # 300 Spikes for cluster 2
bouts_df = pd.DataFrame({
'start_time': [0, 3000],
'end_time': [2000, 3600],
'state': ["NREM", "NREM"],
}) # Cut and concatenate spikes within these bouts to do detection
bouts_df["duration"] = bouts_df["end_time"] - bouts_df["start_time"]
# Method used for ON-OFF detection within each spatial window
# (Same as OnOffModel)
#### HMM-EM ########
on_off_method = 'hmmem' # Implements: Zhe Chen, Sujith Vijayan, Riccardo Barbieri, Matthew A. Wilson, Emery N. Brown; Discrete- and Continuous-Time Probabilistic Models and Algorithms for Inferring Neuronal UP and DOWN States. Neural Comput 2009; 21 (7): 1797–1862. doi:
on_off_params = {
'binsize': 0.010, # (s) (Discrete algorithm)
'history_window_nbins': 3, # Size of history window IN BINS
'n_iter_EM': 200, # Number of iterations for EM
'n_iter_newton_ralphson': 100,
'init_A': np.array([[0.1, 0.9], [0.01, 0.99]]), # Initial transition probability matrix
'init_state_estimate_method': 'liberal', # Method to find inital OFF states to fit GLM model with. Ignored if init_mu/alphaa/betaa are specified. Either of 'conservative'/'liberal'/'intermediate'
'init_mu': None, # ~ OFF rate. Fitted to data if None
'init_alphaa': None, # ~ difference between ON and OFF rate. Fitted to data if None
'init_betaa': None, # ~ Weight of recent history firing rate. Fitted to data if None,
'gap_threshold': None, # Merge active states separated by less than gap_threhsold
# Parameters for aggregation of OFF states across windows
spatial_params = {
# Windowing/pooling
'window_size_min': 200, # (um) Smallest spatial "grain" for pooling
'window_overlap': 0.5, # (no unit) Overlap between windows within each spatial grain
'window_size_step': 200, # (um) Increase in size of windows across successive spatial "grains"
# Merging of OFF state between and across grain
'merge_max_time_diff': 0.050, # (s). To be merged, off states need their start & end times to differ by less than this
'nearby_off_max_time_diff': 3, # (sec). #TODO
'sort_all_window_offs_by': ['off_area', 'duration', 'start_time', 'end_time'], # How to sort all OFFs before iteratively merging
'sort_all_window_offs_by_ascending': [False, False, True, True],
spatial_off_model = SpatialOffModel(
off_df =
all_windows_on_off_df = spatial_off_model.all_windows_on_off_df # On/Off across all windows. Pandas frame with 'state', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'duration', 'window_depths' columns
off_df = spatial_off_model.off_df # Offs after merging. Pandas frame with 'state', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'duration', 'window_depths' columns
#TODO Check out the "EvokedOff" class