For extracellular electrophysiology code that is specific to the Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Consciousness (WISC). This is code that depends on our particular data organization scheme, hardware, virtual environments, etc.
Generic code that might be immediately useful to people outside WISC should go in ecephys
Updated 1/22/2024 -- May be more recent than CSC-UW/ece-env
is required. Read and satisfy those requirements, paying particular attention to the ephyviewer
bit, if you intend to use that.
If you run into issues with h5py/hdf5 version compatibility within ipython/jupyter (but not python):
git clone
git clone
conda create --name myenv python=3
conda activate myenv
conda install -c conda-forge --update-deps --force-reinstall hdf5 h5py
cd wisc_ecephys_tools
pip install -r requirements.txt
Detailed instructions at ./script/sorting/