#EA-Tools 2014 This repository contains a flask app which managed processes for VIP QA and DECC through the 2014 Election. VIP-specific scripts are stored in the vip folder, and decc-specific scripts are stored in the decc folder. Each folder, except app, contains its own README detailing the included scripts.
##For this app to run, the following environment variables must be defined: ###For DECC:
- DECCINPUT: the directory to use to input to decc scripts
- DECCOUTPUT: the directory to output decc files after processing
- PGHOST: the URL or IP of the DECC database server
- PGUSER: the username to connect to the DECC database
- PGPASSWORD: the password associated with PGUSER
- PGDB: the DECC database name
###For VIP QA:
- GOOGLE_NATIVE_APP_CLIENT_ID: The client ID associated with the VIP QA app
- GOOGLE_NATIVE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret associated with the VIP QA app
- GOOGLE_PUBLIC_API_KEY: The API key used to query the Google civicInfo API
- GOOGLE_GEOCODE_API_KEY: The API key used to query the Google geocode API
- VIPQADATA: The directory containing TargetSmart PII spreadsheets used to QA election-day voting sites
- EVIPQADATA: The directory containing TargetSmart PII spreadsheets used to QA early voting sites