Dear CRAN maintainers,
following your email that noted empty documentation for some of the function arguments, we submit a new version of the REddyProc package.
In addition to fixing the empty comments, we include a new features:
- exporting the results in an additional format requested by a users
- an experimental implementation of the gap-filling procedure by Vekuri et. al 2023
- local Linux-Mint, R 4.3.2
- Github actions, current Ubuntu
- (win_builder was not reachable by curl from devtools::check_win_devel())
- r_hub: all default platforms
No warnings, nor errors.
1 Note: "checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE Found the following files/directories: ‘REddyProcExamples’" REddyProcExamples is there on purpose: It is created on a first call to getExamplePath(exampleId) and then reused by several tests.